feeling the effects of the practice

i love a good routine i love
feeling good i having fun
enjoying the life

i love upper level operations i love
not caring i love that

i don’t have to let anything
get to me love
i love feelinat

feeling at ease i love
getting there i slove

i love doing the work i love
where i am ight now
right now i love that
i love myself i love

that i love myself i love
where ia m right now i ilove doing this
wrok i liove feeling the

energy guild

building i love feeling
the certainty of life

i love feeling good i love feeling good

i love feeling the
energy build i love saying yes the
feeling of saying yes

the feeling of not caring the
switch it feels good to feel the switch
to say yes

to the switch
it feels good

to say yes
tot he

to the switch to
say yes
to that to not care about that
it feels good to not care about that

ti fee
it feels good to relax into the energy
of me

so grateful to feel the
feeling to feel the flow

i love feeling good i love
that i feel good in this moment
i love

that i’m the same

i love that i’m the same i love
doing the work the only work
that matters

i love doing the only work
that matters i love

feeling connected to god
connected to self i ilove

loving myself no matter what
i love

loving myself nom atter
no matter what

today i intend to focus
to i feel the certainty of
life the

certainty of life
flowing through me todya i feel
good today i celebraet lie

today i don’t let anything
get to me

i love that life is going well i love that
life is going well

so grateful for this here and now
for the power of me for love so grateful to

love to always send the signal of love
i feel the feeling now i feel the feeling


of being loved by life
and that is all i need that
is the only connection

i seek

thank you for the flow
the flowing through me for the

god self flowing through me
i love the power of the focus
i love that

i can always choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i am aware of the thoughs

flowing thorugh
me the thoughts i am attracting i love
doing the work i love that

life helps me

do the work

grateful for this here and now
for the magick of life for the foucs on the
magcik of life

grateful to feel good
about me

i love doing this work
the only work
i love rememberingt

feels so good to feel good
to let the heart sing
to love life

to sing through life
to allow my life to be a song
to allow life to flow
through me it feels good to
feel good to

allow myself
to feel good it feels good to

allow myself to feel good to feel good
it feels good to
feel good to feel the feeling

flowing through me to let go

of caring what happens
to not care what happens
to not care

what happens
who happens

where happens it feels good to feel good
to love to love to love

this life it feels good to love
this life to fele goo

to feel the relief of god flowing through me
to feel the certainty
of life to feel
the certainty of life

it feels good to love life to
get there

to get here

to the here and now it feels good
to really do the work to

feel truly grateful
to make the switch it feels good
for the contrast to help me

make the switch it feels good
to truly love to truly feel happy to
send the signal of yes
to enjoy this

here and now to send the signal of
yes to love this

here and now it feels good
to love this here and now
it fels

feels good to love this
here and now it feels good to love

here andn ow to
love myself in this here and now
it feels good tot une

myself toward love toa llow
to allow the god self

flow through me

because i can and i want to feel goo d
i can and i want to feel good

i can feel good i want to feel
good i feel good i want to feel good i

i feel good i
feel the flow i feel yes i feel the feeling
of yes i feel

the feeling of yes i love
where ia m

i love where i am i love that
i feel good i love doing this work

i lovel etting
letting it all go i love making the choice
to feel good to feel

good to feel elevated in my life
to let everything go
to not all

i love feeling good i love
feeling the feeling of knwoing that

no matter what happens
lie is 4

lifei s on my side i love
feeling elevated i love

leaving ghe
the rest behind i love that
i get to make the choice

to feel elevated now
to feel good now

to live my best life

all i can do is feel good

i an do is feel good
all i can do is feel good

i love celebrating this here and now
i love that it’s perfect i love that life
is perfect i love that

life is good and life loves me
i love that i get to choose this feeling

the feeling of loving life
of knowing for sure that it loves me back
and wants the best for me

and is always doing it

i lovet hat
that i already know that i
get to choose the feeling now
i get to choose the
the feeling now