so gratefulfor this
for this day for the energy flowing for the god flowing
knowing that god isf lwoin
is flowing through my
through my veins i love that i
god is flowing through me i love doing this
this work the only work the god work
i love doing the wor
the god work the only work i love that i know the god work is
the only work
so grateful for this day for all the miracles everywhere
and they just keep flowing so
grateful for the miracles that just
keep flowing so grateful to feel good nowt o feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now
to feel the flow now to feel the flow now
to feel the flow now
to feel the flow now
to feel good now to build up the feeling right now
so grateufl to fe
to feel good now to feel the flow right now
to feel the flow right now
feel the flowright
right now to feel the flow right now
feel the fow
flow right now feel good right feel the fo
got dself
so gratefl grateful for the quality of my not doing
to see miracles everywhere
in every thing and that is my gra
so grateful i can always send the
signal of love i can always send
the signal of love i can always love
no matter what no matter what
i cana lways
can always love i can always
love i can always feel the
feeling of god the energy of god i ca
can always
feel the energy of god
i canalway
always feel the energy of god
flowing through me knowing that it
is me
so grateful for this here and now for this
work the only work the god work so grateful to do the w
the god work the feel good work the feel good now
work the only work
so grateful to do the only work
so gratefulto do the
to do the only the only work the god work
the god work allowing god to flow through me
allowing the god energy to flow through me
allowing the god self allowing the god self
the only work the only work knowing this is the only work
the god work the feelig work just feeling
grateful work gratefulf or it all gratefulthe
the flow is flowing and i can always choose love
grateful to choose the love work the feleing good goow
work the flow work grateful to chosoe the flow of well being
thank you thank you thank you for this
perfect moment for this here and now for the flow
flowing for the energy flowing so grateful for the energy flowing
i love the flow flowing i love the flow
flowing ther een
the energy flowing i love the energy flowing i love
this day this magickal day i love that i know
life loves me life is always taking care of me
grateful for this moment ofeel
to feel the god self flowing the
this work the only work the god self
flowing the god energy flowing feeling the god sel f
feeling energized by life so grateful tso
grateful for all the blessings in my life
that my gra
framework is to expect miracles
so grateful i know
so grateful i know so grateful i know
i love feeling the eenrgy ern
energy of life flowing through me doing this work
the oly work
the only work and remembering the truth of life
i love
remembering the truth of life i love remembering
the truth of life i love
remembering the flow ofe life
the love of life i love
knowing i love knowing the flow i love
that i get to choose the framework
i love a good book!!!
i love that i’m surrounded by blessings i love that
life is so good for me and i made it this way i love
that we made it!!!
it’s finally working and the evidence is everywher!!!
we did it!!!!
i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel good in my life
i feel good in my life i feel good in my life
i feel all the good of life flowing through me
i feel the good of life i know that
all ic an ever
can ever do is feel cal
all i can do is feel all ic an do
is feel i love that i know i love that
i get to feel how i want to feel i love that
i get
get to feel how iw ant to feel ig et to feel
how iw ant to feel
i get to feel how iw ant
to feel i get to feel alignment with source alignment
mwith god
the raising of the vibration
the raising of the vibration i love that i get to
feel good i love that i get to feel good i love
get to feel i love that i
get to feel
feel the feeling of god flowing through me
i love that i get to feel good
i love that to love life right now that i
get to love life right now
that i get to
feel good now that ig et to do this
work theo nly wor that
that i ge tto feel the feeling of god right now
that i can always feel the feeling of god right now
the feeling of god right now the
feeling of god
right now i am god right now
when i am aware of the god self within me
as my unlimited source
i draw into my mind a
as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and can
relax in the knowledge that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously easily and
effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness
i am now aware i am now in the flow