to remember to tuen
to remember to tune to the truth
and let go of the rest it
feels good to feel good to remember to
feel good to remember to release
to remember none of it matters and i
get to choose how i feel it
it feels good to remember it feels good to release to know
it feels good to celebrate life!!
thank you for all of the gifts!!
that we we can order instacart any time we want!
that we got to have pizza monday
that we have a bunch of extra books we can dontate
that the rent and bills are paid!
grateful to remember this is the only work
this is the only work
so grateful to remember the feeling is all that matters
i can always release i can alawys
relax in the feeling
are you on or are you off
i love that i get to feel it get to know it
get to tune it get to tune myself to the feleing
i love that i get to have a good ay
day that i caught a wainde
wind and it felt good!
so grateful to feel good to
to feel the magick of lfeeling good
to ruat
to turst life to like myself to love msyelf
so grateful to get to love myself
to elt
let go and return to the feeling so
grateful to remember i can always ert
return to the feeling i can
always releax i
relax into the feleing so graetful
we get to have fun !
that we get to take a hangover day
that we get to
fele good that
we get to go on vacations!
that we already have dresses!
so grateful that we do so
grateful for wher ewe
we are right now
so graetful for my llife
for my wife
this is the only work
and i know that
this is the only work and i know that
so gratefl to remembe the feeling
is the secret
and i get to feel it
i get to feel my power i get to be my power
i get to tune to my power!