feels good to feel good

all there is is this day is this om
moment and today i get to feel good

today i get to feel gratitude for all that is
so good in my life and there is so muh that
much that is good and today all i can do is

celebrrate how good life is
i love that i get to i love that its esay to feel love
its easy to catch an acide win

wind when you blie

believe in yourself i love that i get to feel good
that i get to celebratet h day
i love that i know i’m rich!!

and i get to feel it from it
not of it

think from it not of it
think from it not of it

i feel good now i feel the flow now i feel the
flow now i am the flow i am i

i am the flow now i am the flow
i am

i am god now i am god
no i

think not of god but from god

i nkow that i am the one and only creator i

i feel from it i feel of it

i fell from it

i know its i love that i get to celebrate i love that
today i get to celebrate life today i get to feel good
today i get to feel the flow today
i get to feel the flow the flow of well being the flow of

well being today i get to feel it today

i get to feel it
today i get to be it today i get to be it today i get to celebrat teh day

i feel good i feel good here and now i
feel good here and now i feel good i feel good

i feel good i feel good here and now i feel god

i think not of god
but from god

i think not of god but from god

i feel all the possibilites
in life i feelt he possibilites

i feelt he god self i celebrate the god self i thinkn

from god not of god from the palce
of being god

and im so gratefl i get to!

i get to feel good i get to feel god and i know this
is the only work

how i feel is the only work and today i
get to feel good today i get to feel good

today i get to live lifefr

from the perspective of god today
i get to live life fromt he perspective of god i love that
i get to i love that i get to
i lovet hat

i get to

feel good i ilove that i get to feel good

think from god
imagine from god imagine from god

and today i get to feel the feeling
get to feel grateful for all that is

today i show gratitude for all that is good in my life
and i love that i get to l
that today i get to make the choice to feel good

today i get to feel good and let the rest go
today i’m on vacation

from striving from life from caring

from striving from striving
and today i allow i allow the energy to flow through me knowing that

the divine presence I AM is the source and the substance of all my good

i love that i get to feel it i love that i
get to be it i love that i know that i am god i love that
i know this is the only work i love that i know

i love that i know that life is meant to be a creative adventur

i love whwere i am and that today
i get to have an amazingly awesoem day

i love that its eay i love that is eay to feel good
easy to have an amazingly aweosem day

easy to chooe how i look at things easy to choose how i live my life

how i go through life easy to choose how i feel today and know that
is the only wor the only work is how i feel today and


i’m celebrating this truth!!

i love that i get to feel good that i get to feel the flow that
i get to feel the flow of life flowing through me
that i ge tto feel good today i get to feel good
today i get to feel good

the only work is to feel good and today i’m on the lookout for miaralce

i loe that i know the power of me
i love that i know the power of ego di love

god i love that i get to feel good now i get to

feel good now i love that i get to feel good now i love that
i am feeling good now i love that i get to i love that

i get to
be feeling myself
get to feel excited about my life

get to feel that new lease on life feeling i love that
i get to i love that i get to feel it
i love that
i get to feel good i love

that i get to feel good get to

feel the flow here and now

i love that ig et to i love that i know i love that i know the

the switch and the switch happens in every moment
i love that i always have the power to choose

my only work is how i feel

only work is how i feel my only work
is how i feela nd i love that i know this il ove

that i know ths i love
i love that i know this i love that i know thsi

i love that i know
the only work

is how i feel i love that i know this
i love that i know tis easy to look at life through the eyes of god i love
that i et to feel the truth of it in every moment