feels good to feel good

it feels good to do the work to
notice the feeling to notice the feeling
of connection to source and know that
that feeling is my only job
feeling connected is my only job an di love
i love that i get to choose to feel
the feelings iw ant to feel i love
that i

i can always make the choice
in any moment to place my entire focus
on the god within and i know that
is my only job
here and

is to notice the
god within and then cultivate it and i love

cultivating the god within i love
raising my vibration i love the bet

i love the better it gets i love
the powe of me
power of me i love taking the big leap
i love the better ig e

it ges i

gets i love that i get to to love
me i ove i love that i get to love t

to love me i love doing th
this work the only work the only work that matters
i love doing the only
work that matters i love the

the power of me i love the power of me i love

the power of me
i love the focus on source andk nowing
knowing that is my only job

and knowing that it’s my choice
what i think about and my choice
what i create i love that i
feel good about life i love

that i can feel in every moment

that my life

is just beginning
i love the better it gets i love

i love coin
coming here to remembering who i am
i love the better it gets i love that
i get to
feel good now i love that i feel
the feeling of god flowing through
me and

and i love that i know i love that
i know i have the energy
that creates worlds flowing through me

what am i using it to create??

i love that i know i lovethat
that i have the neer


the energy that creates worlds i love

i love noticing the
energy energy and knowing that

that it’s only

ever energy i love that i know i love
that that i get to create what i want i lovet

that i get to feel good i love that
i get to vibrate

at the leve i choose i love that
the better it gets i love
feeling good i love

doing the work this work
this work teaching myself
to focus within
using the work to practice i love
that i know

i know it’s only ever practice
but more than that

it’s coming to terms

with who i am

i really am

and that’s
the part that
takes practice

feeling good takes practice

allowing myself to love and feel loved
to fee the


unconditional love of the

to come to terms with
the scientific fact

that i have the energy that
creates worlds flowing through me

i love doing the work i love
th pweor
the power of e i liove i love that
i get to love me i love that i
get to love me i love

that i get to love me i love that i
get to love me i love where i am
right now i love th

that i get to love myelf i love making
the time to do the wor to

to come back to center
and feel fearless about who i am
to feel

fearless about life
i love
doing it i love
getting it gone i

done i love feeling good now i love
feeling good nwo i love

doing the work to create the
version i prefer i love

i love that i can always

just let the flow do it
i love that i can

always just

let the flow do it i love that i can

always let the flow do it and i kno that

i know that the flow

loves me i know

i now

i know that the flow loves me
that life lovrs mlv

loves me and everything
is always coing

going my way i love
making the choce to
feel good to dothis

this work the only work
that mattes and i love

that the work

always works i love that mtick
of life i love taht it it is

always flowing flowing

the work always works and
the ce


devotion to self
always feels good


pays off
and i love that i know
i neve rhave t

never have to care and
never have to let anyting

anything get to me
i can always focus on
feeling good i can always

feel the willpower
of not letting the outside world

affect me

because i have the inside world
and i

i get to choose love i love
that i get to choose love and thne

then life refelcts that

reflects that i love that
i get to choose to feel the
feeling of love and life

wll re

will reflect aht that an i love that
i k

i love that i know that
life loves me andl ife is

is alwyas show

showing me

what i expect to see

i love feeling sure about who i am
i love feeling healed

i love feeling the healing of life
i love feeling
life flowing through me i love
that i

get to choose


i lovet hat
i get to choose the magick of life
the god life i know that

tat i

that i am god and on

my only focus is on

learning more about that
diving deeper into that

truth and i know that’s
ll tha

that matters i know that that
life is all that matters

today i make the hcoice
choice to use the energy
that creates worlds

to create the world i want to
see around me and i know
it’s just
