feels good to feel good

to tap into the energy of life and allow it to flow through me
it feels good to have a good life
to celebrate life to celebrate all that is good in my life

through my conscoiusness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spirit
this substnace is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

so grateful for this here and now to
feel good for the sake of feeling good

to tap into the flow to tap into the flow of life
it feels good to tap into the flow of life
to say thank you

it feels good to tap into the flow of life
and say thank you for all the good in my life
it feels good

to say thank you

for all the good in my life it feels good to say
yes thank you it feels good to focus in the flow

to allow the flow to flow

through me it feels good to say yes thank you
to do the owr

the owrk the only work it feels good to do the only
work it feels good to believe in myself
to believe in my life andm ake the cohe

the choice to love

to feel good now it feels good to feel good now
it feels good to feel good now
it feels good to feel good now

it feels good to focus in the flow
to make the god self my only focus

it feels good to raise my vibation
it feels good toraise

to raise my vibration
to feel good now to feel the flow to

to love my life in this here and now it feels good
to love me now

i love the power of me i love that
i nkow the power ofme i love that i can onl

always return to center get out of the way and allow life
to flow through me i can always get out of the way

i feel focused i feel the god energy flowing through me
i feel myself getting out

i love waking up having a good day i love
allowing the flow to flow through me

i allow the god self to fow through me
and whatever i htink whatever i expect

im tapping into the energy of the now
i’m letting go of fear and resistance

of anxiety of feeling like i always have to
get everything done in one day

i relax into the infinite now i relax into the infinite
now and turst ever

trust everyting that is
and that is all i can ever do to feel
at peace in my life

i tap into the energy of the here and now!!

i tap into the energy of the here and now!!

i raise my vibration and look for the

i raise my vibration and tune into the magick
and the magick assistance comes

i celebrate every day

like its a weekend

like its a birthday
and i am the source

i amt he so
the source of the energy and the more i allow
that energy to flow through me

the better i feel aboutl ife i love that
i get to choose how i feel about life

i love my life in the here and now i love
that life is flowing perfectly through me and whatever

gets done

gets done i love that

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply

i draw into my mind and
feeling nature the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me

is my supply

through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the prsence
of god within me is my supply

my consciousness of the prsence
of god within me is my supply

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very subsstance of spirit

i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

and i hold that spirit
and my heart and let

it live

i loet the
i let the spirit live

blissfully in my mind
and feeling nature
i allow the spirit

to live i allow it to live
and when i feelthat ive

pushed it out with my thoughts

i take a moment
and allow it to return

i invite it to return

i get out of the way
and itis already here

spirit is always here and
with me and it feels good to turn toward spirit
to wals

always turn toward spirit
to turn towards love
to raise my vibration and

tap into the magickal assistancce ofl ife

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of

the prsence of god

within me

is my supply

through my consciousness of the god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god
wihin me

wihtin m

within me is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god

wihtin me

is my supply

im happy im happy im happy in my life
because i know

for sure that life is always providing for me

i am happy in my life
becuse i

becase i now
i know that life is always providing for me
i draw spirit
into me and i allow spirit

to do all the owrk in my life

i let go i release i let go i release

i jump into the infinte now
and let go of everything

especially other people
and their expectations of me

because i know it just
doesn’t matter
that they ar eme

are me

and i am the source i know i am the source
i know that life

is so much more than what it appears
to be on the surface and i love that i know this

i love that i know this i love
that i get to celebrate each day with this knowledge