feels like a good day

today i get to celebrate the day
today get to feel that something amazingly awesome is going to
happen i get to celegrate

celebrate this day i
get to line up with energy

today i’m taking care of my energy
and i’m taking care of my gratitude

the divine consciousness that i am

is forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therfore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency

in my life and affairs

forever expressing its true nature of abundance
this is its reaspon

responsibility not mine
my only responsibility is to be aware of this

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

the Divine Consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance
this is its responsibility

not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in
my life and affairs

so grateful
so grateful that
everything i want is flowing my way
so grateful

life loves me
so grateful for

fresh coffee and

fresh bread!

and pwny didn’t shit the bead!!

so grateful for this day
for the flow

flowing through me

for the

my only responsibility
to be aware of this truth

center myself i god to feel the
frequency of god

my only responsibility
is to feel the frequency

of god

to know something amazingly awesome
is always happening
to know that life is magick and it is

flowing through mei now
i know that the energy of life is
always responding to my expectations

today i feel good today i feel tuned
i choose to enjoy life
to allow the most of life

to see god and love in

i feel that something amazinly aesome
awesome will happen today
when i turn my attention fully

toward the god self
i trun
turn my attention fully
toward the god self

forever expressing and i can
always tune myself to that
forever expressing

forever expressing its true nature
of abundance

this is its responsibility

not mine

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth
therefore i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

i’m focused and centered
i’m focused and centered

in my reality in my divine reality

i’m centered in this here and now
i’m allowing in this here and now i’m focused in this
here and now

i’m centered in
this here and now

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth
my only responsibility

is to be aware of this truth
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

it’s just the story i tell
and i get to choose it

the story i tell is the
feeling i emit and i get to

choose what that story is

i get to choose it in this moment
i get to choose
the story

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i can elease

release everything else
and releax

relax in this truth
i can relax in this truth

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totlly

confident in letting go
and letting god

appear as the abundant

all suffiiciency in my life and affairs

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confidnet
in letting go and letting
god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life and affairs

to be aware of this truth
that is my focus
becuase that is only truth
in life

the one and only truth
the one and only truth
and the ony and

one and only point of my fouc s

i know it’s the story i tell
and i know its a choice

the frequency

is a choice

the frequency is a choice

the frequency
is a choice
its a choice its a choice

i get to choose i get to choose i get to choose
i get to choose i get to

i get to choose
if i’m on the surfact

or i’m at the center

am i on the surface or
am i at the cwnter

am i on the surface
or am i at the center

i am at the center with god

the divine consciousness that
i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in letting
go and letting god

appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affaris

letting go and letting god appear as the abundant
all sufficiency in my life

and affairs

letting go and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

why am i here?

to remember that
i am god and what i look for i see

what i want i create

and that money is not my supply

my proximity to god
is my supply

my only responsibility

is to know this

my proximity to god is my supply
my only responsibility

is to know this

i am with god i am
god i see the world as god and i know that

infinit abu

abundance is always flowing to me

i know that ways to pay for things are
all around and that i am a constant matcht t

to them.

i know that everything in life is
a feeling it s a

a feeling and the energy of life
responds to that feeling

that sums it up

feel it
then see it

feel it
then see it

how have you been feeling?

that is what you’ve been seeing.