figment of imagination

i love that i know i don’t have to fight with
life and i can always jump into the knowledge that life loves me and
is always working in my favor and the reality
i see the reality i continue to create with my beliefs

can always change in an instant
when i decide to look for that different version
when i decide to see it it’s there

i love that there’s more than enough
i love that life loves me and is always working in
my favor

i can always focus my energy right
here at center

choose love
choose the frequency of god
and watch life unfold magickally

instead of every trying or striving
i love that i know i love that i know the truth of life i
love that i can always focus
this energy if ocus this
this energy i focus this

energy and by focusing my energy
and attention
i start to feel the power of me
i start to feel

the magick of life and just how much life loves me
i feel i feel i feel how much life loves me

i feel how much life loves me and every moment
i am celebrating this knowledge
i love that i know there is so much more to life

than the low level operations i spend a lot
of time

doing or paying attention to

i’m focused i’m focused
i’m on the frequency
i’m here

not to rush through it but to
milk the feeling to feel the

to draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply


my consciousness of the presence of god within me ism ysupply

i’m here
i’m here to tune up i’m here to tune
up tune to the frequency
tune to the

frequency of

the truth
what is the truth what is the
truth the truth is everything

the truth is that everyting
is true that’s the truth

whatever you believe is the truth
whatever you
run over and over and over in your mind
is the truth

i’m on the frequency of knowing i’m on the
frequency of love i’m on the frequency of god

of knowing of knowing that
life and everything in it

loves me and is all here for me
i know that it’s all an illusion and life
so much bigger and more beautiful

than the thoughts that occupy my mind
a lot of the time and i come here

to bring awareness to those thoughts
i come to look at them and ask

is this what i really want to see?

is this what i want to see
or would i prefer something else
and when i ask myself that i bring
awareness to the fact that it’s all me

that it’s all created in my vision
god’s vision
my vision

the same thing
god’s vision is my vision
and it’s all created as a result of that

and the more i focus on the truth
the more i

remove myself fromt he fal

falseness of life
which is everything that most people
and see


other people

it’s all so lower level
and the more i focus on the magick of life
i realize that all of that

so very
compared to the magick
that i am

capable of allowing
in my life and it comes from


of the frequency of god
the vibration of god
vibration iin tune
with god and when i’m there

nothing can bother me

i have this list of

things i didn’t

or ways i failed
or didn’t get what i want

and they run over
and over
and over
and over
and over
and over

in my head

every single day



why couldn’t you love me
why wasn’t enough
maybe you could love me now
if i change
and then my life
will be complete
because i will have validation

but the more i let those old
narratives go
the more i make room for new ones and the more
i let those go
the more

at peace i feel in my life

i don’t have to care
i don’t have to wonder
and most importantly

i can move on
to vibrating at the frequency of god
i can vibrate there
and when i am in tune i’m not wondering


love me

and it’s not you
it’s me because you are me
and i’m creating you and
every time i wonder

love me

i create that version
and i dont have to create a vesion
in whihc you

just let go of caring if you do
i dn’t hcare

care if you do because i have so
much more magick to focus on and when
i choose to love you anyway

to allow that aspect of life
to exist how it does
instead of trying to change it trying to
fics i

fix it

trying to clean it up in my mind
then it’s already clean

when i stop trying to clean it up
it’s already clean it’s already solved

and i’m so grateful
to elevate

to lift my mind and heaert
to be aware to understand
and to know that the divine presence
i am
is the source and substance of alll my good

and to let go of wondering
once and for all

what is wrong with me
that you don’t love me
because what is wrong
is thinking somehting
is wrong

is believing
that you don’t love me

that’s all it is
a believe
a way of looking at it

a perspective and its not htat
i’m tryint to figure out how ot
create a verison in which you do

its me creating a version in which
i dont care

in chich

which i am so
overjoyed with life
and all its aspects

that i accept everything how it is
and say thank you for the way things are

i say thank you i say thank you for the
way life already is
i say thank you for everything that is

completely surrender to the frequency of gratitude
and when i do that

i feel loved
and free