is all i can is all i can ever do
just go with the flow
is all i an ever do just trut the
trust the flo trust the flow
trust the flow and be aware and that’s all ic an
do is let go of the
the thoughts and know that life
downstream is the only way and i know it i know the
feelingo f it and i now i et to
get to choose it i know i get to choose it
i knoww i getto choose it i now
i knwo the one and only truth
and its god i know the one ao
and only truth and its god
it’s working its working its esay to
hve t
it all its j
eay tto tust the feeling its
eay to do the work right now
to use my time right now its easy
to feel good right now
to feel the flow right now its
easy to feel the flow to focus on the focu s
to focus on the feeling to know the feeling thank you
god for the feeling
the silence in knowig the
silence in knowing making the choice
so graetufl to make the choice to
get to make the choice for me for
how i watn to feel so grateufl to
ge tto enjoy the day
for me so grateful to stande
to tand up for myself and i love that i get ti love that i get ot i loe
making th the best choice for me and i know it is
i love that i get i love that i get ot
to feel good now
the silence the silence the
silence is all there is i know i make the time to
feel the god feeling i make the time to feel
the god feeling i make the time to feel the god feeling i do
me i
i expec
i love the feeling
of me i love the feeling of me i loe
i now
i love the feeling of me i love the
feeling of getting to
feel good no matter what i love that i
dont have to think today i loe that
i dont have to think today
just enjoythe ride
just enjoy the ride i knwo tis eay
to focus i knwo tis
esy to feel the
flow flowing tis esay to feel the
flow flowing i lovve
stanidn up for myself and my time!!!
silence is all there is
the natureal peace is all there is
the ffocus the focus the one aond only
placeless place and im there i never have to wonder
i preer to feel sure i prefer to feel sure
to feel focused in thi here and now
and i love that i get i i i
i love that im doing the work i want to do i love
that im standing up for myself i love that
im choosing my vortex if i just choose my
vortex i now
i know im doing the right think
thing i choose the feeling of love
and understanding i choos the
feeling of loe and
love and understanding
i choose the flow i choose war
understanding i choose understanding
of how life works i send the signal of love
i send the signal of love
and let go and
allow life to flow i get to out of the way
and allow life
and love to flow i lo
i love the feeling of knwoing that
the foucs is always here and now the focus is always here
and now the focus
is always here and now
floating downstream and tha’s all i can
do it feels good totake the c
the reigns of the boat and allw myself to flow
it feels good to take the reigns again
it feels good to take the rei
reigns again
and trust god i know that god will always
tell me what to do i know that
god will always t
tell me what to do
saying yes saying yes saying yes to me to the flow
to the flow
i can focus
i focus i feel the feeling of yes i focs
and feel the feeling of yes
the feeling of yes so graetful to make time
for myself to make time for myself i did it !!
im celebrating me
standing up for myself i did it i did
it i loe that i did it i love that
i did i it i love it i
that i nkwo i loe that i kno the feeling of yes and i can
always keep coming back to it
i knwo the foxua i know the stream
i know the p
feeling of switching the mind to positive
i swithc the mind to positive
i say yes yes yes
i say yes yesy yes
that’s all i cn
can do is say yes and feel good so tratufl to feel good
to know i
i’m doing the right thing i trust
im tursting the flow and
its the focus and i feel good i feel so good hre and on
doing the work using the contrast the hlep me
focus knwoiing up
im doing the right thing
standing up for msyelf
falling silent knowing nothing
exists besides silence
just feeling good just feeling good
is al there i
all ther ei just feeling good is all there is
just feeling
good is all
there is
the silence is al there is and i love that i nkow
i love focusing on the truth i loe feeling the truth i love
that life helps me i love htat id ont
care i love that i dont care what happens i love that i
dont care what ahppens
becaue i don thave to htink about it
i just enjoy this
here and know
knowing its perfect feling the feeling of knwoing
feeling the feeling of knwoing
feeling the feeling of knowing
feeling the feeling
of knowing
of knwoing feeling the feeling of knwoing