
its so eays to
its so easy to focus to let it all go
to separte myself from

outcome to fully immerse in this her and now
and accept all that is a

i accept all that is i accept all that is
i accept all
that is i

accept all that is

i get to feel good get to feel about myself about this moetn
i get to

be this moment totally present
in this moment and this is all ther

there is totally present in this moment and this is all theres

i’m focused i’m foxu
focused on the

the tuning the truth of life
the life i know to be true i’m focused on it
becuase it is all there is

i know this becuse ive experienced it
i know i have the powers i know i am the pweor si
i know the power is me i’m

focused i’m here and its as

easy to focus in this present omen
moment and that is the secret to life
that is the secret to life

thiss here and now the presence if i am

present in this moment
nothing else matters

nothing esle

matters i’m here i’m focused i’m present presence

that’s ll

all that matters that’s the medicine
that’s the medicine and i know it

i’m present

i’m focused in the present
i am

focused in the present

god s lav
is lavish unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance of the


this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me

the realit of me

i am focused and i am present
and that

that’s all it is that’s all it is
and i’m so grateful for the knowledge
for the wisdom

so grateful i get to chooe i
get to choose presence i get to choose this
feeling this feeling of knwoing this
proximity to god this knowing that

i am the one and only creator


even thouth i’m not the one creating
only perceivine
i am the one and only perceiver

i am fosuec

i am focused i am focused i am

focued on

focused in this moment present in this her eand now
preset in

present in this
here and now

i’m here i’m foxuse

i’m here i’m focused ia m

i am

i just am i just am
i just am

i just am i just am

i am focused i just am i just
am i jiust

am i just am
i just am

i just am
i just am
i just

am i am here i am here i am here i am
here i am here ia m

i’m focused i’m focused i’m focused

i’m focused

in the present and that’s
all there is i love that i know i love that

i know i love that
i know

i’m focused i’m foxuse

focused and all that takes is

looking at it looking at life
letting it be

the wild experience that is
so grateful for the pr


so grateful to know to xoo

zoomout to
remember what iam to focus on what iam
the particles the simlation

simulation the feeling the
feeling the

feeling the feeling the


ts a


it’s all about the focus
the focus on how you feel that’

that’s all life is and i love that
i know this i love feeling charged up byt eh t
the truth i lkn
i now

i know that life reflects the feeling i know

that life reflects the


feeling i know that life

i know
that life reflects the feeling
and i get ch
to choos teh
feelig i know that its all me

its all me i know that all of life is me
so i can just be right here and now
that’s all i can do thatls

all i can do is bee

be heere now be here now

here now

i am focused i am focused
and that’s

all there is all there is
is how i feel right now

all there is is how i feel right now
all i can do is be all i can do is
be all i can do

is be all i can do is be

i am focused i am here and that’s
all i can do is be here now

choose how i feel even in this
moment there is so much that is up for interpreatino

which veriosn you
version you choose to look at

which version you choose to look it
which verion

version you choose to explode

there’s always a choice like
am i fosued

focused on the win???

focus on the win!!

celebrat ethe win!!

celebrate the win!!

and i et to
get to i get to choose the perspectiive
focuse on how its improving!!

how i got what i most wanted!
and i know the rest is on thew ay and i
can celerate
celebrate that riht now
right now!!

i can handle whatever happens i accept everything
that is in this ehre and now

i’m focused i’m here now

i’m present t
and thats’ all there ever is

presence in this here and now

in this here and now
complete presence

so grateful i knoq ir i knoq

i know the secre to li

secret to life

i’m here i’m celebrating i’m celebrating


celebrating i’m celebrating

its all good its all good

tis all good its

all good

is all good its all godo

its all good its the feeling i get to choose
its the feeling i get to choose i get to choose it
and i know its my power

i know its my power and it only requires focuse

i know its my power
and it only requires focus

i am focused on the feeling i choose
on the feeling i prefer

an di choose it now and i know for a fact
from past experience

that this is my power