get in the vortex and then

so grateful for this life
for everything that worked out for me
and knowing that every moment
i can choose to love myself and knowing
that every

indicator is indicating

i know that everything is an indicator
and i get to choose how i want to feel
right now i get to choose how i want to feel
right now and how i choose to feel
is how i feel
i k

i know t

so grateful i get to choose
and to know that everything is an dic


and food doesn’t affect
anything lol

my maybe how i choose to feel
about the food but not the
actual food


maybe how i choose to feel
about my body

actually not maybe lol

that is what it is

so if i want to feel good about myself and my
body feel good in my body then

my only choice is to make
the choice to feel good about my
gody now

body now
about my life experience now

and ilove that
i love that life has

given me the experience to know this
i lovee that i know

and i love that i now
i know it’s easy to release resistant thoughts

easy to release resistant thought
it’s easy to let them go and not perpetuate them

it’s easy to choose new thoughts
and then just keep choosing them
it’s easy to choose

the thougths i prefer it’s ease

to choose it’s easy to choose a new
thought or choose anyt hought


that isn’t a resistant thought
and it’s easy to chosoe

just look at ssomething else

it’s a choice
a choice to look for things
to feel bad about

or look for things to feel good about

and it’s always a choice it’s always a choice

it’s always a choice it’s always
a choice it’s always a choice it’s always a choice
it’s always a choice

it’s always a choice
it’s always a choice ow i feel
how i feel and that feeling


and whether i like it or not
or if it is hard

that really doesn’t matter
because this is the wya it

the way it is
it is universal law

what i look for i see what i look
for i see what i look for i see
what i look for i see

i feel good i love myself i love
myself i love myself and today

i make choices that back that up
today i make the choice to love me i
make the choice to love

i get to choose
that’s all there is
that’s all i could ever
hope to change about myself

is how i feel
if i don’t feel good
change to feeling good right then

and that’s it

you’re perfect
i love that i get to chosoe
to feel perfect right now
to love myself right now

to feel
enlivened right now to
love life right now

to love me right now
to love kelly cree right now

to love myself how i am
to think and say nice things about myself
it feels good to chosoe

to choose the love within
to chosoe the l

love within adn

and then life flows perfectly through me
it feels good to choose
the life withig

choose to love myself
to choose th perfe

the perfection of self
in this here and now
to chosoe to love myself
andk now that
i can

always feel

loved and
valid and valuable
and beautiful

no matter what
i can always choose to love
where i am who i am

how i am
i can always choose to love

love me love my body right now
love my life right now
love this moment right now

to choose to fele it

feel it now
choose the feeling now

look for reasons to celebrate look
for reasons to celebrate
look for ways to have fun