get to choose how i feel how i create
what i create the version i creat the version i look for the version i live
the feeling i liv eig et to ge
choose teh feeling i live
i get to choose the feeling i live i get to choose the
way i live the version i live i get to chooset eh version
i live the version i create i et to choose it i gt to
choose it i get to
choose the version i create
and i lovet hat i get to that
i get to remember
the only work that this is the only work
i get to remember this is the only work
i get to choose and that is the only owrk
i love that i know the only workk i love that
i know
i know the only work and i’m so
good at it
you just chooes teh
the version you prefer andits
is s
it’s so easy you just choose teh version you prefer
you live from it you live from it
and its so easy
once you know the truth once you know
once you nderstand
understand and i love that i get to
get to do this ork
woek get to feel the feeling theo nly w
feeling i get to choose i get to feel
the only feeling i get to be the only feeling
i get to be the only feeling
i’m here doing the only work t
he tuning
work and it’s so easy when i remember the truth and i love that i
et to remember the truth
get to be the truth i am the truth i am the truth
i am the truth awareness is the truth
and i love that i know that nothing
is certain and that s
all facts are relative
all facts are relative
i get to choose how i feel ig et to
celebrate the day i get to feel
godo i get to deicde how im going
to feel how i’m going to go through life
i get to feel my feelings feel what i really
feel and
that’s disappointment
and that’s ok ay
i can feel through it and then i can
do me i can do what i want to do
i can make the choice to make the things that
i want to do importnat
important and do what i wwan
want to do
i get to chosoe how i feel and how i want to see it
how i want to feel i get to live life from that
feeling and i know that is all there is
that is all there is that is all there is
is living lifefr
from that feeling and i know i od
i don’t have to care
i was disppointed but i don’t have to let it fester
i can feel it and let it pass through me and i don’ thave to
care of others don’t want to do the things i want to
do or have the same cares or desires as i do
but i know i’m going and i’m going t ohave fun
and enjoy myself and i feel good about ath
and life caused me to ask and when i ask it is gienve
given so i can relax in the ok
knwoledge that everything is doing to work pur perfectly
i get to be aware and that is
the source of all happiness
you be happy you odn’t find it
you be happy uou
you don’t find it and that is the answer
that is the source and the supply
be happy you dont
find it
and i know that now