get to do the only work

get todo the only work
get to ccross that project off my list
get to thave fun
get to enjoy life

get to enjoy life just for ufn
get to have fun get to enjo life
get to enjoy life
get to have fun
get to play

the only work the only work the only work
i surrender to everything and feelth
the feeling now i feel the feeling now i feel the
feeling now

the feeling now the flow now the god welf
self now the god tight rope now thank you god for the
god tight rop

the god tight rope the god tight rop the god
tight riope that nk
thank you god for the god right ri
tight riop


get to walk the tight rop of devotion
love that i get to love tht i get to
i love that i get to do the work for me
love that i get to have fun for me

get to feel the flow get to feel the
eneyg of life flowing through me

so grateufl to feel the neegy of lo f
of life to get to do this work
to gt to feel thei

ths feeling sna
and know
kknow this is tehonlyw rok

the only work and the n
eneryg of life flowing through me finding a way to feel good the only work fidinga way to feel
good in every moment allowing life to flow
through me allowing to flo


the only owkr thwo the onoy wokr the only work
the only work the only work the only wrok

the only work the only work
the only work the only work the only work
the only work

the only work he only thwo
work the only

thei sowk the tight rop walkk the taigh
tight rop awlk