gt to feel the power of me know the power of me
get to know the power of me get to nkow the
the power of me the poweer of me the pweer
the poer me th
get to know the power of me get to let ig go
get to chosoe not to try to change aything
get to chooe
i get to choose i get to choose and i
get to thank the life that
i get to thank the
the life the lifei get to thank the life
that brought me here th
i get to thank the life
the life that brought me
here i get to choose
the flow the magick life the spacce between i get toc hoose the
i get to feelt he magick of life
i get to choose the magick of life
i get to love life i get
i get to feel the fleow flow flowing
through me i get ot lto feel the
the flow flowing through me
the god self i
is the drug the knowine
the knowing it
is the drug the feeling is
the drug
the knowing is the drug ethe
the feeling is the
druge the feeling is the drug the knowie
is the drug the god self is the
drug the powre of self i know thep ower of me i know the poer
the powe of em a
i love that i get to enjoy life
i love that i get to look for
what i want to see i love
i love that i get to feel good so
graeful to feel good
i get to feel good now i ge tto
i get to feelthe
feeling i ge tot feel the
of it being clean i get to feel
the feeling i get to
feel the feeling i get ot enjoy
enjoy life i get to feel good i get
to feel the
thak you for this day
for this place i love for
good leftovers
for the
thatnk you fort he dinner
for the walk
for theccomapny
for the laughs
thank you for the hugs and the kisses
and the i love you
thank you for the i love you
i love you too i love you too i love you
thank you for the power of me
for the project submitted
thank you frot he flow the flow
flowing thank youf ro the the feeling
the feelin
the feeling of me the feelng of me the
feeling of me
i get to feeel good i get to say yes to the flo
to the flow of well being
i get to say yes to the flow of well b
eign i get to feel the flow i get to
feel the flow i get to feel the flow i g
get to feel the flow feel the flow i get
to feel the flow
i ge tot feel the magick of me
i get to feel the magick
of me i get to fee the
magick ofme the feeling the
certainty of m
i get to choose it i get to choose it
i get to choose the
certainty of me i get to
choose the certainty of
i get to chooseyes i
get to choose the feeling of ye s
i get t
to choose it for no reaosn i ge tto
allow life to flow i g
et to say yes to the flow i
get to say yes
to the flow i get to say yes to the flwo
i get to feel good aboutt aht
i ge to
to feel happy about that i get to love
i ge tto
to l
let life come to me i get to love
i get to love i love that i get to love
i know its me i nkow its me
i know is only me its only
ever me i love that i get to love i ilove that
i get to love i love that
i get to love
i love that i get ot love i love that
i get to love
i love that i get to love
i love that i know life i son my side
i love that i remember now i love that
i get to allow my heart
to sing i love that i
get to allow my heart to sing
i love that
i get t
to allow my heart to sing
i love that i get to love that i geto tm
to make the choice