so grateful for this day
to have love in my life
to choose love to
for it to get easier and easier
to choose love to tune tap in turn
on it feels good to focus in this here and now
and know that the focus is all there
is it feels good to come here to
do the work of releasing resistance
is it worth caring over?
no it isn’t so let it
go and choose love instead is
it si a
is alawys
always so much easier to choose
sending love to my brother
all of them
sending love to my mom
so grateful to have
found love in my life and every
moment i take
the chance to be grateful for what i have
so grateful for what i have
and for the choice
send the signal of love
and not care
it feels good to use my power
to not care
to look for something else
to know that it can only
ever match me it feels good
to clean up my own clutter within
and release trying to control
anything it feels good to use
a need to conrol
control as a way
to use the magick it feels good
to celebrare
celebrate opportunities
to use the magick
it feels good to make the choice
to use the magick
i make the choce to
to allow the magick to flow
to tu
to tap into the
fullest version of myself
the purest i
energy i make the choce to
to feel good to always line up the
energy e
because i know
life only
reflects the energy i love
that i know that life
only reflects the energy
it only
what i create what i look at
what i make more of and i can feel
i can feel it catching
just by making the choice t
o do th
to do the work i can
feel the energy building up inside of me
i love tha i ca
that i can feel the energy
that i can be conscious enough
to choose love it feels good to
zoom out to be aware of my thoughts
it feels good to be aware of my thoughts
to know this is my only work
to do th
to do the only work that
that matters it feels good
to do the only work that matters it feels good
to do the only
work that matters
it feels good to love it
feels good to love it feels good to love
to focus to do the work to feel the in
and out of
lif it
feels godt
to feel the in and out of life
to focus inthe
the here and now
to remember how i want to feel
and feel it it feels good
to go in
to have all the train
engines going int he same
direction it
feels good to eleveate
elevate it feels good to align
to look for wha i want
to see to
feel the relief of knowing that
it feels good to feel the ne
energy fuil
building inside of me
to feel my focus
building after only a short tie
it feels good to feel it buildig up
inside of me
and that is real
a sustain
an ability
to sustain
feeling good
slipping into fear
or worry
or needing to control
and ability
to get out of
the way and trust life
ability to trust
the feeling of trusting
life completely
is there is in life
that is the ultimate
the only thing you can
really attain in life
is the knowledge
that you’re not in control
it feels good to to the work to up
unpack it to feel good to choose love
it feels good to feel love to choose
love to let it all
to let it all go
to make the choice not to cre
to always come back to center
it feels good to always pracic
practicce comeing ba
back to center
and know there 4
is n
never any reason to feel bad and i can
always direct my attention away
from something
i canalways choose the
better feeling thought
i can always massage my vibration
tune myself to the knowing of
go dit fe
it feels good to tu ne
tune in and tune myslef
to the love channel
the love of god
andl et go
let go of needing something
let go
of needing something
it feels good tof
to feel good foe me
for me to feel the pain and allow
it leave my body
feels good to relax into life
build up my muscle for feeling good
to celebrate life
to say yes to everything that
is and
really know that everyting
is unfolding perfectly
and i can totally get out of the
way it feels good
to practice getting out of the way
and trust that life
is alawys on my side
it feels good to make the choice
to love everything that
is to totally let go
it feels good to feel good tof
feel good to know that it’s only ever me
to remember that it’s only
ever me and celebrate that knowledge
and know this is real
this is the only real thing
in life the feeling of connecting with source
of loving life and all thinsg
that is the only thing there is
to do here in life
just enjoy it