to stop grateful for the time and space to
give up grateful for all the supplies
grateful we have savings grateful we have a home
grateful we have running water
grateful to do this work the only work grateful i alraedy know
that this is the only work
grateful i know this is ght e
the only work grateful i know
grateful i know
to do this work the fitness of the mind grateful to do the
fitness of the mind
for fitness of the mind grateful for
fitness of the mind
grateful to do this work grateful for the focus grateful
it’s easy for me to feel the
feeling the feeling of eeling
the feeling of ee
feeling good grateful to turn the
focus grateful to turn it within grateful to do the work
to turn the focus within
grateful to do the work
to feel the feeling grateful to feel the
feeling of feeling good of the tuinng the
tuning work grateful to do the tuin
tuning work grateful to say
yees thank you
grateful to do this work to feel tuned
grateful i already feel good grateful i rust
trust it grateful i don’t feel afraid
that feel hopeful
that i feel knowing grateful to know
grateful to give up grateful to give up
grateful to give up
grateful to feel good to tne myse
tune myselt o
to keep up this work the only work
to keep up this owrk the
to keep up the only work
to keep up the only work
to keep up the only work
to keep up
the only work so grateful to keep up
the only work
to do this work the only work
to know the feeling of god
to feel god withi me
with me now more than ever
to fell the feeling
feel the feeling of fully trusting the moment
to love whatre i am right now
grateful to keep up this wr
work this work to use the opportunity
to bless the opportunity to bless this
moment to feel so gdoo i
good in this moment so grateful to
feel so good in thism oment
to love this moment
to feel good in this moment
to feel good feel god
so grateful to feel god
so gratefl for this om
moment for the god self flowing
to feel the god self flowing
to feel good in this moment
about this moemtn
so grateful to feel good in this moment
this moment
to feel god in this moment
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ wihin
within as my supply i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
i love that i get to do this work
i love that i get to feel this feeling i love
the time and space to do this work
i love that it’s going to solve so
may thin
many things
illuminate so many things
i love feeling good about myself and my
body i love where i am i love my life and my family
i love that life is good for me i ove
i love that
life is good for me i love the
better it gets i love that i
i don’t have to thcoose to
play out the same stale conversations
i love
moving away from that i love t
aht life is good i love
that i feel good in my life!!!
i love that
i love that i don’t have to care
i love that i have my own life
i love that i can focus on
all that is good and on’t
don’t have to worry about
what everyone else
is doing i love that i can always return
to god
and let it go what
does it mtter and
it just doesn’t matter and i’ts not
worth giving all that attention to!!!
attention is currency!!!
attention creates!!!
create something new !!
create the version you prefer
allow the version ypo
you prefer allow the versioy
version you prefer
so grateful we get to go to thi
the lka ewoo
so grateful i can always turn the focu
i wa
i am aware i don’t have to think about that
i am ware
that it’s me it’s me who is perceivein g
and feeling and that’s al li an
i can chance
so grateful i can focus on my own self
and my ownl ife
wo sg
so grateful life already worked out for us
life already worked out for us!!!
i love that i know this
grateful to do this work
the only work the only work
the focus work
i can always tunr th
turn the focus and i cn alway s
alwys be aware of how i feel a
if that doesn’t feel good
then drop
it it doesn’t matter what
makes you feel bad
it just matters
that you feel good instead and i love
that i know this and i love that
i made
the time
to come here and lfl
flex this muscle
tune this instrument
grateful to dune
tune to do the work
do the feeling work graeful
graetful to keep up the feeling
i love that i get to just
feel the feeling work feel the feeling work
through my consciousness of my god self
i dra
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance fos
of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within
as my supply i draw into my mind
feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply thus my cn
consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply