grateful for the time and space to do the work

to remember this is the only work
to remember i never have to worry and that life
always reflects the inner world

the inner world of so many begging for change
the inner world of so many believing that the world is doomed
knowing that something big is going to have to happen
in order to bring about structural change

and it’s happening and i can celebrate that

grateful for the time and space to dothi
to do this work to do this work to allow this feeling to
feel this feeling grateful an
for thet ime and the timea
and space to


grateful no matter what i get to choose
how i feel i get to choose how i feel no matter what

i get to choose how i feel ig et to choose how i feel
i can always chooe and i can always choose

the power of the focus i love that i know ths
i love that i know its all energy li

all of life is energy all of life is energy all
of life is energy all of life is a feeling
i know that all of life is a feeling
i know that all of life
is a feeling

i know all of life is a feeling i know
all of life is a feeling i know that

all of life is a feeling i know

iknow thi
i know this work is all there is i know this
feeling is all there is the god feeling
is all there is i kno

i know that how i feel is all there is
and i can

remove myself from the rest
i can to choo

i get to choose what i look for
i get to choose what ie xpect
i get to choose what i expect
and i always get to choose the
feeling i lov that
i love that

i always get to choose the feeling
i love that i always get to feel the
feeling i get to feel the feeling
get to let go and feeling the feeling

of god

i can always return to god i can always return to god

i can always return to god

i get to choose how i feela nd i
and i get to choose what i look at

i love that i get to choose how i feel i love
that i get to choose how i feel
i can always choose the god feeling
i can always choose

to claim my inheritance as a divine being
child of god i love that i know this
i love that i always
always have access to the feeling i love
doing the work right now i love doing

the work right now i love the
flow right now i love the feeling right now
i love the god self

right now i love that i can always do it
i love that i can do it i love that i can

do it i can tune myself i can tune my focus i can tune my foucs
i can

tune my focus
i can tune my vibration

i get to choose to feel good i get to choose
to feel good i get to choose to feel good

i get to choose to feel good

i always get to choose i always get to choose
what i look at

what i expect i know this is all me
i know my life is me i know my life
is me and i can always do the work to center

i know that all i can ever do is
let go of everything else and come to center
so grateful to know this and to havet he skil

the skills and practice to do it
so grateful to feel good today to let it all go
today to feel good today to feel the flow today
so grateful to feel the flow today to feel good today

feel as god would today to let it all go today
to know there’s nothing i can do right now
to relax in that knowing
so grateful4

for the chance to do this work
to align with the version i prefer
to choose knwoing
i get to choose knowing i get to choose knowing

i get to choose god i get to choose alignment
i get to choose what feels best what feels
best i get to choose what feels best

gratful to feel good to feel the flow
to build up the flo

within me to build up the god to go
with god to trn

turn to god and know god is always here with me
to know that its not selfish
to know that we will make it out of this ok

i know htat

i know that i know i know and i don’t havet o
to wonder

i know that this time is for god and nothing else

i choose god and nothing else i choose the
feeling and ntohing es

elseand i know

i know that is the best i can do i know that
is the best i can do i know that is

the best i can do is
turn to god in every moment i know that i can

always turn to god in every moment

grateful for the god self within me
fo the

for the tuning of self to know that i can

return to center

so grateful for checks i the mai

in the mail!!

so grateful i can always trust god
and know there is no such thing as lack

so grateful for all that we have
that everything is taken care of
so grateful everything is taken care of and i gu

get to choose to know that
i get to hcoose

to choose to know that i love that
i gt to choose
to feel good i love that i
get to choose
to feel good

to feel the flow to feel the god self
flowing i get to choose
to feel the god self flowing
to feel the

energy of god to choose the knowing
of god becuase th

because there’s nothing else