grateful for this day

for this work for the
realizations that always come when i tune
myself to the here and now
when i tune
in with my true self my witness self

my god self my loving self
it feels good to come backt ot he
to the loving self to enjoyt his here and now
to love thishere and now
to feel the energy of the here and now

flowing hrou

through me

so grateful for this day
so grateful we can afford storage!
for our books

so grateful for good musci
so grateful for love
to get along with the neighbor

so grateful to not care
to tap into my god self
so grateful to come here to make
it to ehere

here and now

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the

constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i love this here and now
and i love remembering the truth
i love that i know

i love that i know
i am the one and only creator
and i create through love
by allowing the love to flow through me

i love jumping into life
i love knowing that
attention creates i know that what i
pay attention to i get tmo

more of i love that i know life
is already perfect i love that i can

always choose gratitude
i love that i can always bring awareness

i can alawys

always zoom out and i can always choose to feel
how god would feel and the more i practice that
feeling the closer i get to god the more

i allow the god self

so grateful for this
this here and now this
here now

so grateful to feel good in this here and now
to get along with my dad
to feel love for my dad

it feels good to feel love it
feels good to feel love it
feels good to feel ove

love and allow myself to be loved
it feels good to jump in to focus
to focus
on this

this work this is the only work this is
the only work
it feels good to to

do the only work that

the only work that matters
the only work that matters
and i get to love myse

i get to love my life
i get to choose the feeling
of knowing that


is an event horizon

i am focused i am focused
focused on allowing life
to flow through me

focused on the version i prefer
focused on all there is to pay attention
to that is good

that brings about gratitude
and love and easy and

ease and flow
i am tapped into the
ease and flow of life and i know
that every single thing
is unfolding perfectly
i love that i know

life is unfolding perfectly i love

that i know i love that
i love
i love that i can always come
back to center back to knowing

back to celebrating life right now
i love that i can celebrate life
right now i love that i can let it all goo

let it all goo

let it all goo

i am here now i am
here now i love this right now ilove
this right now i feel good now
i feel good now

i feel centered now i love myself

in this
in this here and now

i never have to wonder
i never have to worry

i never have to change
i need only trust everything
that is and know that

nothing ever has to change
and i can choose to

feel good about everything that
is is

it feels good to come back to center
to know that how i feel is my supply

y con

my connection to source is
my supply and i can always get filled up

i love that i can always
fill myself up
just by

releasing the plug
the resistance to the flow of
well being
i release resistance
and then i am filled up and i love
that i know this
i love the

better it gets i love that this
is my only work that my only work
is to feel good and the rest floow

follows ilove
i love that i know this
i love that i can

what i can allow
i love what i can allow
myself to be a match to

i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose

i am here now
i love that i know and my power

is in my

letting go of control
ilove that
i love that it’s working
i love

that i

get to choose not to care i love
that i get to choose to love
myself i love that i
get to choose love i love that i get to
chosoe love
i love
that i get ot

choose love right now and i know
that’s all there is

there’s no separation

it’s all me it’s all the

and i know this
it’s all the simulation
and i nkow this

i love that i know this

i know it’s the energy i know it’s
the energy i love that i know
everything is
energy i love that i get to chosoe
i love

that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose i love that
i get to choose the energy i love that
life can

be easy
i love that i look for it and i get ti
i love that i can always look for it and see it

become it then see it become it then
see it and ilove that
i love that i am aware
i can only ever be aware of the enrgy

and shift it

milk it
shift the energy
or milk the feeling

those are the choices

i love that i know this
i love celebrating life i love that
my life is so good right now i love

that there is so much to love
and appreciate in every moment
i love that

it already is
the way i want it to be