grateful to feel good to know the truth to
enjoy the hourne
journey to remember every day is a gift
to feel love so grateful to feel love
so grateful to feel love to feel the love of life
so gratefult o feel t
to feel loe
love for life so grateful to
feel love for life so grateful to feel love
for life so grateful to feel lo
for life so grateful to feel love
for life to feel love for life so grateful to feel good
to feel good to feel good to feel
so grateful for this moment
for this feeling for the tuing in
tuning in of life
so grateful to tune into life
to feel this feelin to mli
milk this feeling to feel supported by
life to know that life is just always reflecting me
to fel
feel connected to life
grateful i know freate
grateful i know my job is to observe
my only job is to observe thism oment
and know that life
reflecs my
reflects my proximity to god
and that’s it i know that is my only job
and that is fun that is fun
being with god is fun
returning to god is fun
breathing is fun
counting is fun and i know this
is all there is i love that i feel
the feeling right now and i
don’t need
anything else i
only focused on the god self only focused o the god self
i love feeling good now i love
knowing the god self i love i love
knowing that god self i love
knowing the god self i love
knowing the god self i love choosing to feel
good i love choosing to feel good now
to feel good now i love
choosing to feel good now to
feel good now to feel life now i lo ve
i love i love that i get to feel the magick of now i love that
i get to feel the magick of now i love that i
feel it now i feel the god self now i love that
i fel t
feel the god self and i know that is all there is
i love that i can relax in the god self i love that
i knowlife t
life is always fw
flowing through me i feel elevated
i feel the flow
life i feel the life
tahnk y
thank you
through my conscciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply i draw into my mind and
feeling nature the very subsatnce
of spirit
this substance is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god
within me
is my supply
my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
and iknot
i know this
is what every religion has said
i know this i know this is the truth o flife
the secret of life
i have found the secret to life and
relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is
easily and effortlessly pouring forth
from my divine consciousness
i am now aware
i am now i nthe flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow
i allow life
i allow life to show up
i have found the secret to life
i keep mmy mind and thoughts off this wrold
thank you thank you thank you
thank you for the knowledge
the only thing i’ll ever need
thank you thank you
thakn you
i love that life is already perfect i love that
i can just enjoy everything that is in
this moment in hi
this here and now i get to
enjoy everything that
i’m here now i’m here now
it’s here now i know that
every ome
moment is a gift so thank you
so grateful for that so
grateful for life for all the
good moments life provides
so grateful for all the moments life provides
knowing that i can tap into that
feeling i can alaqawya
always tap into that dimension
exist where i want to i can always
exist where i want to i can always
choose to know its on the way
life caused me to ask
thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you thank
you thank you for this feeling
the fog
god feelig the
the god feeling the connection with god
the connection with god
thak you
thank you for this feeling the
this feeling this feeling this feeling
i love this feeling i love this
feeling the feeling
of attunement the feeling of
understanding and loving life
loving being alive really savoring this moment
so grateful to feel grateful to know
to know the se
essence of life
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focuson
on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as the
only activity in my financial affairs
as the substance of all tings
things visible
i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action
within me
i feel good i feel good i feel
good i feel good knowing that i am
and i never have to wonder
it feels good to be aware to be aware of everything
i create it feels good to know i am
the only one creating it and i gt to
get to choose it feels good
t le
to let everything else go
i keep my mind and thoughts off this world and place
my entire focus on the god within as the only cause of my prosperity
i acknowledge the inner presence as the only activity in my
financial affiars
as the substance of all things visible
i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me