grateful to do the feeling work to know its
grateful to do the feeling work to know that
feeling is the secret to get to chooseh ow i feel
and know that life
always follows so grateful to do the feeling work
to feel good now work to
feel good now so grateful for thet ime and
and space to feel good now
so grateful to feel good now to feel
the flwo right now to feel tuned in tapped in turned on
right now to feel good now
to feel godo
thank you for the clear inbox
fo the feeling of
camping for good books to read
thank you for
the lake thank you for the beach
for the skyline
for the glass like
waveless lake
the salm
thank you for the peace for the
ease and flow of life
thank you for the ease and flow of life
for the flowi
flow flowing through me thank you for feeling
good for the feeling of feeling good
that i get to feel good that ig et to know
that ig et to cho
to rust trust that i get to choose teh
feeling first that i get to c
create who i am
this work and i’m grateful to
get to do it to get to see myself how i want to
and know that life is alawys on the case
life is always on the case
i love that life is already perfect i love
that i knowt hat
all that matters is the feelingo f
of relief and i get to choose to keep
feeling it i get to choose it here and now
here and now
here and now
grateful to get to feel how i want to feel
which is happy satisfied
fulfilled in my life i love that i know that i am
already fulfilled all i need is to remember that
god is always here with me
i know that god is always right here and now
i know that god is always right
hree and now i know that
i kno wthat
god is always right here
now the feeling the full life is right here and now
and i get to choose it i get to choose my own conception of myself
i get to choose how i see myself
i get to choose hwo i see
myself i get to choose its up to me its up to me
i love that i get to choose it
in every moment
and i get to feel it i get to feel it
i get to align with the feeling and know
i know that’s all there is i know i
im a money magnet i now that
it just reflects the inner world and my inner world
is lined up i love that i know
dont even need it becausee my inner world
is lined up i love
that i get to choose it i love that i
get to chooe it