to do the only work gratefulf or the
the only work the only work
fro th
for the flow for the flow
so grateful for this day for this knowledge
to know that i’t sonly
ever the feeling to say yta
thank you for the time for the time
and space to do this work
the feeling work and know
this is all there is so grateful to know
to know life as we know it is changing
so gratefulf or this
fort his here and now for this moment
so grateful for this moment
for this here and now for
this here and now for this herea dn now
for this work the only work
grateful to do this work grateful to
do this work grateful to do this work
grateful to
do this work to do this work to do this
work gratful to
to do this work to do this work to
do this work to do this work
to do this work grateful fo
to do this work to feel thiis feeling
grateful to feel this feleing
feel this feeling
this feeling feel this feeling
feel this feeling feeling this
feeling feel this feeling
feel this feeling feeling
feeling thi
feel this feeling feel this feeling
feel this feeling
feelt his feeling
feel this feeling
feel this feeling
gratefult o do this wrok to do this work
grateful for thsi moment
for this here and now a
here and now here and now for this moment
so grateful for this moment
grateful for this moment for this
here and now this here and now
this here and now
gratefult o
to drop back into the feeeling tod
to drop into the feeling grateful
grateful i dont have to look at it
grateful i don’t have to care
to care to care to care
to care grateful to care
grateful to crea to c
to care to care to care to care
grateful not to
so grateful for life for the knowledge
so grateful it’s easy fr
for me to drop things like
that grateful to feel good to feel the flow
the flow of yes the feeling of yes to
choose not to care to just laugh dude
to just laugh dude
choose to just laguh
laugh dude choose to jut la
just laugh dude
just choose to laugh i love that i don’t have
to care to care
grateful i know the feeling
the flow the feeling of the flow
feeling of the
focused on the flow the feeling
knowing remembering
constantly that i’t sonly ever me
it’s only me and
no matter what makes me feel bad
it doesn’t matter what it is
if i’m focusing on it and it makes me
feel bad
it’s blocking the flow of well being
and i dont wnat to
block the flow and in fct i
refuse to blaoc
block he flow and i love hat
that i get to make that choice
that i get to mke th
make the choice that i get to amke the
the choice the choice
the ch
the choice the choice to
the choice the choice
i get to make the choice i get to
make the choice i get to make the choice
the choice
the choice
the choice
the choice
the choice
thank you thank you thank you thank yo
for the perfect leading up to everything
so grateful for where ia m and that i’m safe
and souce
sound so grateful that i am sfa
safe and souce
grateful for ths work to this work
to focus to know to know
that i am god i get to choose and its only
ever me
its only ever me
sog rateful
grateful i can awlays
always remember the god feeling
grateful for this focus and know
the knowledge that it’s only ever the feeling
it’s only ever the feeling so gratfu
to know its the feelin g
so grateful to choose life right now
to choose life right now
to choose life
right now to choose life right now
to choose life right now
to choose life right now to choose life
right now to choose the god self
to choose the god self so grateful
to choose the god self to choose the
god self to choose the god sel f
to choose the god self
grateful for this here and
and now for life for the feeling fo
of god for the feeling to the
feeling the feeling grateful for the feeling the
feeling of god
grateful for this
the feeling of god the feeling of god the
feeling go
of god the feeling og
of god the
so grateful to choose the version i want
so grateful to
break free to feel good so
grateful to break free so
grateful to feel free right now
to know all that matters
is to feel good right now to feel good
right now
Yes, I would happily wipe my ass with the culture of police worship that has arisen in response to people’s refusal to admit the blatantly obvious fact that police regularly murder Black people without consequence.
all that matters is the feeling the feeling the
feeling all that matters is how i feel
and so i wail
willf ocus
focus on that and hop
feel for the version i prefer
the version i prefer
feel for the version i prefer
and i know it’s only me who iget
gets to choose its me who wanted to get off of there
and the universe gave me the way to do it
so i’m grateful i never haer
have to go back
at least until i forget lol
i’m here now feeling the feeling
and i get to refuse to feel bad and i know that’s
all there is i know that
that’s all i can do and that is
the only work i love that i
don’t have to care i love that i
don’t have to
care i love that i
get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i
love that
i get to feel good i love that
i get to
feel good taht i get to choose how
i feel how i feel how i feel
how i feel th
how i feel how i feel
i love that i get to choose how i feel
that i get to
keep chooseing how i feel i get to keep choisng
chosing i get to refuse to
feeel bad i get to train my attention
i get to know
i’ll never figure it out but i can
always trust the god self
trust the god feeling