grateful to do the work

to be here now
to be here now grateful to be here now to
be here now

to be

to feel grateful in the here and now
to love myself to feel
like i am part of the paint

that makes up the
visual known as life i love
feeling good in life feeling confident
in life enjoying my life i love

that life is so good rightnow
i love

repeat customers i love wholesale accounts
i love that

they just keep growing and coming to us i love
that they just jk

keep coming to usthe

this is the only work
that matters and i love that i know this
i love that i love my life ilove
love that life is good i love
that iam

in the now appreciating my god
self remembering

that it’s my choice

it’s me and i know that
so i get to choose rightnow

to let it go and
getting what i want i

celebrate getting what i want
and i say

i love you
i’m sorry please forgive me
thank you

for this

here and now

i can’t believe how
easily i get

but i am aware of it and i am
aware of

how good it feels go
to bring my focus
to the here and ow i

i bring my focus to the
here and now because i know
it will never not be
right now it will never not

right now and i come here to e
experience god the now
i now

the answer i know
the answer i know it’s vibration
i know
i can feel for

how i want to feel and that is
the answer i know the answer

is making the choice to
feel open and loving
to just love

to feel totally fulfilled
i get to choosw how
how i woudl
prefer to feel

i love feeling totally fulfilled
i love feeling
appreciated i love
getting paid what i’m worth
i love doing good work i love
making beautiful things
i love


hre and now i knowits’ because i

get attached

it feels good to feel
connected inthis

here and now to know the
answers in this here and now

choose how i want to fee lin this
in this here and now to let it all go d

in this here andnow it
it feels good to do the work
to enjoy life totruly
enjoy life

to let it go
it feels good tolet i

to love msyelf
myself ena

anyway to embrace and love who i am
no mtt

matter what i love myself
no matter what i do i love my life

no matter what happens and
i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel

how i behave the energy i put out
i get to tune myself

to choose the non energy

i love myself in this here and now
i love everyone in this here and now

i love sandra in this here and now
i love felix inthis
this here and now i love

everyone in this here and now
and i love the feeling
the feeling of loving i love the
feeling of loving
and i can


simply choose the feelig of love

and not need a reason i gt t
get tochoose the feeling of love i
get to choose the
feeling of love i get to choose the feeling of love i get t

the feeling of love i get to trust the
feeling of love i
to trust the feeling of

i love the feeling of love i love
feeling connected tothe the
to the love feeling the love

building within
me i love that i get to choose love i love
that i get to choose to love myself

no matter what i feel good i love myself
i love my life i love you i lov

every single person
every sigle

i love doing this work and knowing
my god self remembering
my god self and feeling how

god would feel it feels good to
feel how god would feel
it feels good

to feel how god would feel
it feels good to

let go it feels good to
let go to let go to let ou

go of everything outside the
here and now it feels good to love

me to love this

here and now


i am here to do the work
of remembering the work

of who i am

i am vibration that
creates according
to that vibration
and that’s all there is

so all i can ever do is find
find the vibration of what i want

and feel for it

life is flowing
perfectly through me and there’s not
a thing i can

there’s not a thing i can
do and that scares the ego

but i feel myself feeling more and mor

just getting out of the way
sitting behind the thoughts
letting them pass by just enjoying

what is in the
here and now
only the here and now
the feeling

in the here and now the
feeling inthe here

and now and i know it’s only ever the
feeling i know it’s only ever the
feeling i know for a fact

that if i focus only on
feeling good for the next 24 hours
that we will get a major mani

i know that will happen

i know for a fact that
when i focus on feeling good when
i focus

on not caring
letting go
raising my vibration it comes

todayi focus i fcous o
on letting go and feeling good

no matter what today i my

my heaert is

is singing and i feel good
no matter what i’m so grateful
for everything i have in this here andnow1!!

i’m ther i ‘m i’m hre
i’m here

i’m here in the here and now
i know the secret to life

and i am living my life by
this knowledge i know the
secret to life and i am living the
work allowing life to flow through me
and making the choice to feel good