grateful to get back to the work

to get back to how i want to feel to remember the thoughts i want to think to
remember how easy it is to turn the boat to fil

flip the switch
its easy to flip the switch

it’s easy to flip the switch

it feels good
to let it go to let it go

to knot

to not keep bme

messig with it it feels good to be

to be aware to get to celebrate in our spoils it feels good
to get to celebrate in our spoils it feels good

it feels good to remember who i am and remember
which version i can change to at any moment
it feels good to remember t

i get to choose teh thoughts i think
the version of myself i see and create i get to choose all of that

i am not a victim of my reality
i am the creator of my reality
and im so grateful to remember that i’m so grateful to remember
who i am

to remember the power of me to use the use

to use the tools i know i have
the work that always works it

and it feels oh so good to be back
it feels oh so good to make my
best work it feels so

oh so good to know the truth of life to remember i get to choose
i get to choose what

the version i
that i wam i love i love that
i get to choose teh version that i am
i love that i get to

celebrate the day!!

grateful i get to feel the focus
grateful i get to feel the focus

grateful i get to remember hw
how eas it

how easy it is for me to flip the
switch how easy it is for me to feel good
so grateful to get to feel good to get to enjoy life
so grateful to

get to enjoy life
so grateful to get to enjoy life
to get to feel good to get to remember my power
to the contrast that helps me focus

the contrast that helps me focus

the contrast that helps me focus
so grateful that
to the contrast that helps me remembe the pwoer

remember who i am remember how to focus my energy
remember how to focus on the version i am!!

i love that i an just
can just allow it to slip away

to know that’s all i can ever do
is withdraw my consciousness foem it

from it i know that all i can ever so

do is withdraw my consciousness from it

to remember who i am to remember the god self
to remember its up to me

to remember i get to choose to remember
that attention creates
that love creates that knowing creates

thta t

trust creats

so grateful to feel at ease!!

so grea

grateful to feel the feeling of sweet relief!!

so grateful to know the truth
to know the truth to get to choose it
get to come to

here to remember the feeling of it

to remember the feeling of my power
and to choose to use my power and

instead of acting powerless to know that
the only action i can take is actually the most effectual one

so grateful i know that
i can choose it right now
i can choose my poer right now

thank you thank you for

remembering my power
i remember it now more than ever i feel it now
more than ever i get out of ethe ay

now more than ever i feel good now
more t

more than ever i feel good now more than ever
i feel the love now more than ever

i feel my power i feel my poer now
more than ever

i know the power of me i know the power of me
i know the power of eth efeeling i know the power
of the feeling i know i am the one and on

only creator!

i love having the moeny to get the things i want!!!!!!

i love that there’s always more than enough!!!

i love that we always have more than enough

gratefu lto remember

grateful to feel releived
to rememberr the only thing

that ever …

makes something happen
is how i feel about it

so grateful for this knowledge
and for the time and space to

use it

so grateful i know
so grateful to remember to come back to
center to

feel the releif


of feeling good about myself
and my life
of feelig at ease in my life
so grateful to

feel at ease in my life

feel at ease in my life so grateful to
get to choose ease and flow in my life

ease and flow in my life

so grateful to remembe the po

remember the power of me and put it
into practice to

remember who and what i really am
so graetful to

remember who and what i really am
to truat

trust thef low
so grateful to trust the flow
and remember who

and what i really sm

am to

to feel the energy of me
to feel calm and at peace in this moment

i remember who and what i am
and im brave enough to live by it

to love myself to
think highly of myself
to see myself in a good light
to see myself how i want to see
myself it feels good to

do the work to think highly of myself
it feels good to do the work
to feel that i deserve the best
life is always bringing me the best and to
accept and embrace and love and enjoy it

i know that life is alwyas bringing me the
best t

i know that life is always bringing methat

best i know tis a

feeling i know that is my power i knwo th

the only action i can
ever take is no action

is choosing how i see myself i know that is

is the only action i can ever thatk

is no action the only action i can
ever take

is no action the only action i can
ever take is no action
just choose teh feeling

just choose the feeling