to use it as a way to improve
to press on to never give up to keep believing in myself
it feels good to press on
to feel good to
believe in myself i believe
in myself i love that no matter what i want to
keep going
i wnat to give up but i do
can’t give up on my life on myself
so grateful to have fun
to do the work to always iterate
to feel good to trun the turn the day
around to have fun to feel good
grateful to feel good
to keep up the good work to say
thank you to feel grateful
for the experience
grateful fort he
the experience
i can do it
grateful to keep going grateful to know we’re
on the verge
to do this sowrk an
this work and fcous the energy
to do this work and feel the totalty
of god to feel the real reason
i’m alive and i can always
come back to this i can
always comes bac
back to this to the
real reason i am
alive i can
i can always remember
and the contrast helps me focus
helps me remember who ia m
helps me remember who i am
i know what i am
it the contrast reme
helpss me
remember to always
send the signal of love
yes thank you yes
thakn you
yes thank you yes
thank you
yes thank you yes
thank you
yes thank you
i’m focusued
i now what i wan i know
i no
remember that whatever
happens is go dna
and know tat og
that god is in everything
so grateful to say
thank you to know that
everything is god and
that everything is happening
in my favor
so grateful to feel excited
so gratefulfro my family
so gratefulfor love
to get to have fun
so grateful to get o h
to have fun
so grateful to get to have fun
to get to love to
get to continue to put
love into the world knowing
this is all i can do
so grateful that
this is
all i can do
so grateful to know
ti on
to know thep ower of me to
remember the power of me
the power of me the
ower of
power of me
pwoer o
power of me
i am attuned i am attuned
and that is always that life
awareness awareness
it’s only ever me it’s only ever
me what i bring to it
what i put forward
thank you thank you
thank you for this here and now
this here and now
here and now this here and now
this here and now
this here and now
here and now this
here and now this moment this moment this
moment this
moment thiss
moment this
letting go letting go letting go
feeling good embracing this moment
feeling good
bringing it back to cneter
center back to awareness
and feeling good now
feeling better and allowing myself
to stay optimistic
to work on it and proudly
to now
to know it can be better and do the work
it feels good to do the work
to feel good to tak the
take the leap it feels good to do the
work to do the work to do the work
to do the work the
to do the work
come back to center
and say yes thank you
come back to cneter
center and
feelt he c
the connection to god
to self
to feel good now
to feel good now
so grateful to feel good now
to feel the
flwo now
to feel the
now to unwind to unwind everything
and say
thank you
feel the god self know the god self
instantly and constantly
i know the power of me
and it’s in the feeling it’s on
its in the vibration its in parcitc
practicing the feeling
and really being it
being ii and then seeing it
no just
pretending to be it