gratefult o be a
to be aware of thep it
the pit of pain within me
the fear
that i wake up to eadh
each day and to know that’s
a choice that i dont have to feel that
way that i can choose to celebrate the day
not close myself off to it
i can choose to celebrate the day i can
choose to celebrate the day to allow myself
to celebrate to allow myself to feel good!!!
to be gratefult o know the blessings are flowing
i can choose to allow the blessings to flow
and i dont
havet o cut to cut myself off from the world be afraid of the worl
feel bad about life about the world i can lookf or the
best i can expect the best i can
celebrate all the blessins
and so gratefult his work helps me do that
helps me be aware of how i feel because i know
thats a habit and thats a choice
i dont have to be afraid of life
ic an can be
embrace life i embrace life ia lo
i allow life to
come to me i say yes to life i say yes
to the day i say
yes to the feeling
yes to the feeling yes to god
yes to life
today i say yes to life
i release my fear and i say yes to life
i jump into life i embrave
embrace life i enjoy life and i look forward to it
i look forward to celebrating the moment
celebrating the day
i know i can do that
it feels good to be aware it
feels good to be aware
to be aware of my body
and the emotions contained in it
it feels good to feel the releae to allow
those emotions ro
to release
it feels good to be aware and let go
it feels good to be aware and let go
it feels ogo
good to let go fo fear
fear and pent up frustration
and allow joy to flow i can allow
the joy to flow and that’s all there really is
allowing the joy of life to flow
or not
so gratefult o be to be aware to zoom
out andk now i dont have to
make the flow just allow it
just be aware of how i feel just be aware of how i feel
and know that i can
feel at ease i can always feel
at ease i can always releae the
energy into the ground and feel the love
god has for me and all things
all situations
i can allow myself to feel good
i allow myself to feel good to love life
to jump into life i allow myself to jump
into life i allow