
to get to choose how i want to feel
to get to

choose to feel abundant

get to choose to feel grateful
to have so much to be grateful for to
have so much to be
grateful for to have so much to be grateful for

so grateful for the magick
life so grateful everything went my way

so grateful its so easy to dictate
whats going to happen

grateful its so eay to choose to practice
looking for what i want to

see so graetfulf or the magick all around me

for the magick of choice
that i get to choose right now

that i get to choose love right now
that i get to choose

love right now i
get to choose love right now

the magick of dropping i
of knowing its not real of knwoing
there’s nothing to

gain i know there’s noting

nothing to gain i know i have nothing to gain
nothing to gain

and the more i practice the


that feeling in every moemnt when
i caatch moyse

myself looking for something to gain
i remember that ther

there’s nothing to gain

i ge tto feel good i get
to feel good i get to
feel good i

get to

noting to gain is the only feeling to seek

nothing to gain is the only feeling to seek and its
so g

easy tof fine to find

i’m happy h
im happy im happyin

im happy and in love i
and in love

in loe

in love with nothing
in love with love

life flowing through me
i nlove

in loe wthin
with god i

im in love withi god and i know thatsa a
ll there is
my prosiximng to

my proximity to god is all inedd

my proximitn
to god is all ineed and id id a al ot
i truend it around a lot today and
i alove myself for that

i love myself for my emotni maturign

i love how far ive come i iloe

i love taking my poer back

i love that i know the pwoer of me
i love that it

it work i love that that the
it works i love that
that i