here because this work works

this work works and i’m brave enough to focus on it
to focus on the version i’m creating
to be aware of how i feel

and choose it so grateful to be able to make the
choice to feel

i’m focused o’m focused on mf
focusing on the real me on what i really i

i’m focused on the feeling a
i feel the feeling teh divine buzz and that’s all i need

i’m focused i’ here

i’m allowing you to write these words the infinite me
writes this words these truths flowing through me
thiss love flowing through e its not n
me and i jussst get out of the way and allo the flow
the love to follow

i’m focused on the feeling i create
i’m focused on the feeling i create

focuse on the feeling on the truth of the
version create knowing i get to choose it get to feel it
now get to feel it now i
get to feel it now

get to feel it now and i lov eit

kow that it’s up to me and that’s it
it can only ever reflect me

it can only aever

ever reflect me it can only reflect me it can only

reflect me it can only reflect me
it can only reflect me
it i get to choose teh version
i get to create it wiht ou

with ohwo i how i feel

and how brave am i how

powerful am it??

how willing am i to feel the
way i want to feel

how willing am i??

to feel the way i want to feel??


focused on the vresion i want to create

i just have to feel the feeling and it si
and i love that its jut aht
that easy that i get to
to learn to make the choice i love htat
the work really works i love
seeing the effects of it

in everything

i’m focused on the feeling of the version i prefer
on the conception of what i prefer of what i want
the version i want to live

because that is my birtright

birthright and that is why i am here that is why i am
here to live to create to use my imagination

use my imagination

grateful it all already is
it aleady

grateful for passive income grateful for all of our subs
and the people that understand our work

grateful to make good work to always have more and more idease
grateful the work wwosk
it always works grateful the work works

flash back to mexico
idk the city … town

climbed a kind of mountain

the athletes had to show off and run up this wet ass mountain
took my time

a huge row of shopping on the road leading up to the bottom of the mountain

on the way to somewhere else

just a sstop on the way

grateful for the feelings teh experieces the
knowledge gratefulf or the
for the knowledge

the truth to create with the
feeling to create with the feeling ra

grateful to create with the feleing

i create with ohw i how i feel i know this is true
and the more i put it into practiice them ore i know it

the more i know it the just like we’ve been saying
all these years alol

it feels good to practice and the
good feelings lead to a good life
that’s all there is
to it you practice feeling good and then you
feel good that’s about it

authentic gratitude
authentic gratitude

trusting this moment relaxed in this moment
knowing everything in due time feeling the feeling of it
feeling the good feeling feel the
feeling flow flow through me flow through me!!

allow life to breathe itself allow life to
breathe itself i

allowing life to breathe itself
allowing life to breathe itself
i’m relaxed into the god self teh abundant
self i’m relaxed into the god self the abundant self
i feel the feeling of it i feel the
feeling of it i feel the feeling of the

god self i feel the feeling of the

the god self i feel the feeling of the god
self i feel the feeling of

i am the god self i feel the truth i feel the
feeling of the focus of knowing of practicing the
feeling and i know it works and i feel the

good because i know it works
and that is success!!!!

that is the only success the only success is the
communion with god and i realized ive been selling god
short by settling for less f

but no more!!

now i see my desires being born!!

i know they have been conceived and in
doing so they are the word of god

when i ask it is given i know thiss
and it is given i allow it
i allow it i allow it i feel it i celebrate

what already is c

i celebrate bwh
what already si



i feel the feeling of knowing
everything is already prefe

perfect working out perfectly
the great release

the greate release and taht’s
all there is all there is

is the great release

i created it with my feeling i created it
with my feeling i created it with my feeling

i feel it the great release

the great release


feeling creates and i am the one and only
powerful create it so i create the version i want
and then i sit
back and relax in it

i sit back and relax in it i sit back and
relax in it i

sit back and relax in it!

just enjoy it just allow it to unfold
just allow it to unfold i feel good i feel good
i felel
feel good

i feel the feeling of the vres
version created i feel the
feeling of the version


i feel the certainty of it allow myself
to feel the certainty of it becuse it is the word of god
and it must be

and i must not sell short
the word of god!