here now feeling the feeling and that’s all there is

i come here to feel the feeling ofl ife
to feel the energy of life that is always here always around me always me
always in and out of me i come here

to feel the energy of life to feel good about this momet
to celebrate this day i come here to celebrate this day
with myself with all of life i come here to celebrate this dasy

so grateful for the here

here and now for the feeling the feeling of the focus the feeling of knowing the
feeling of life flowing through me

the feeling of shit to do!!

the feeling of getting to allow life t
o to flow through me to fully wake up in this here and now i get o feel it

i get to feel the feeling of life ig et to celebrate life i get to say yes to life
i get to feel the magick of life ig et to be the magick of life i know that i am

the magick of life and i love that i get to
celebrate it get to feel it eg

get to experience it get to be it get to feel the
eerngy of life

to relax into it i love that its here now i love that
life loves me i love t

all that is going well for me i love that life

i get to feel the feeling of life i get to feel the feeling
of life gyou
you get to feel the feeling of life
i get to tap into life i get to love life ig et to feel good now
i get to feel good now
i get to feel good now i get

to feel the flow here and now hi get to feel the flow
here and onw i get to
feel the flow here and now i get to be life

right here and now i get to feel it
i get to allow it i get to celebrate it i get to be the magikc of life

knowing that knowing that life is acting according to my expectation
to the feeling i give it and i get to celebrate it
i get to
celebrate me i get to celebrate life
i get to celebrate the flow ig et to

celebrate knwoing i get to celebrate

here and onw
now the feeling of yes i get to be

the feleing of yes i am the feelng of yes i am
the feeling of celebrate

celebration ia mt he switch flipped ot on
i am knowing i am knowing i am my best sself
self my celebrating self i am


that i get to choose and celebrate that choose
i get to choose and celebrate knowing
i get to w
choose and never havet o wonder
i get to choose and never have to

wonder and i get to choose the feeling of lfie
that life
i get

i get to choose the feeling and never have to wonder
i get to choose teh feeling and never have

to wonder and i know that is that easy that the feeling
always precedes the

event i love that i knw this
i love that i am the crator
and i get to celebrate it i ilove that
i get to feel the feleing

i love that i get to feel the feelign i love t
aht i get to feel the feeling of feeling good
of getting to do something!!

i get to choose i lget t

i get to choose i get ot choose teh feeling
and i never have to wonder i love that
i never have t owonder
to wonder i love that i never have to

i love getting to have fun i love
getting to enjoy the day i love
getting to have fun to allow fun to flow
to allow love to flow it feels good

to allow love to flow it feels good
to allow love to flow
it feels good
to allow love

to flow

so grateful to jump into life so grateful to jump into life
to get to

celebrate life to feel that feeling rising to focus on it then
its there to focus on the feeling of love and that’s all there is

to know that life loves me and is always on my sid ei love that
i know that i love that i get to chosoe i love that
it always works out

especially when i get out of the ay


i get to choose i get to

i get to allow myself to celebrate life
to love life!!

to love because there is so much to love
and be grateful for!!!

and i lov that ig et to i love that i get to

i lovet hat i know it that i get to ele
celebrate life that i get to feel good that i get to love
the moment that ig et to celebrate the day
that i get to celebrate the day
i get to

celebrate the day i get to

love the day love the momen t
love every granule
i get to love every granule i get to feel the
feelign of life flowing rth

through me i get to allow my vibration to rise
i get to love everything i get to look with love i get t
to feel the excitement of life
i get to feel the excitement of choice
i g

get to feel the excitement of choice

i love life i love the flow of life i love this day i love this day

i love this day i love this
say i

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose to enjoy it that i get to choose the
feeling of vacation and that i get to embrace and love life i love that i get to choose all of life
i nthis here and now i love that ig et to choose teh magick of life
i get to choose the magick of life

i get ot choos

i get to choose the magick o flife

of life