i always have myself

i always have the god self and that’s all i need all
i need is the god self all i ever need is the god self
all i ever need is the god self all i ever need is the god self
and i always

always hve the god self i alwa;ys have the god selr i always have the
god self i always have the real me i always have the real me
i know the real me i know the i love that i never hae to are
i never have to think i never hve to think

i never have to think just be

i dont need nayt
anything else i

i dont have to care i dont have tot hink i can talk to me
myself if you dont want to talk to em that’s find
i can
talke to myself i can
talk to myself i can
talk to myself

i can talk to myself i cna talk
to myself i can talk

i dont need nayanython else i can talk to myself
i don tneed anyone else i can ltak
to myself i can talk to myself i can awlys
talk to myself i can
i dont need to talk to i dont need to process you
i can process by myself if you can
t listn to it then god will list then
god will listen
god will listen god will
always listen god is alwys here for me
god is always
here for me god is always here for me

ill talke care of myself since you obviously cant

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