i am aware of the feeling

i am aware of the self ia m aware of the feeling self
and that i get to choose the feeling self get to choose knwoing

i get to feel good i get to just feel the feelings just
look at them and be aware of them so grateful i know the source
i know the feeling and i can just look at it feel it
settle into it accept it i accept the feeligns of resitancce
and wehn i do they dissapte

and now i feel better i get to feel good
because life loves me i get to feel good
because life loves me i get to feel good
because its a good day becase so much is going well for me!!

i get o feel good about myself
i get to ce

enjoy the day i get to enjoy the energy of the day
i get to say yes to life i get to say yes to the energy of life
flowing through me get to say yes thankyou i wanted this

i made this ic reated this i am this i love that
i get to say y iam this i love that i get to do thew ork
the only work i love that
i get to feel good that ig et to feel good now that ig et to love myself now

i love that i get to feel good get to feel the

energy of this day and its from leaning into it
from saying yes to the day to the energy of the day

to being aware of the energy of the day
the feeling to being aware of the resitane an

and saying yes to it because there is always the
equal and opposite side of the wave

grateful to feel good grateful to feel good
to feel the energy flowing to feel the yes flowing to
feel the blessings flowing
to feel the energy flowing to feel good to feel the
flow to feel the flow to feel the flow of well being flowing
through me to feel the energy of life the

to feel the energy of life flowing through me
i get to feel good i get to feel the energy of life i get to say yes i get to say yes to the flow
to fe

the feeling to the feeling of life get to say yes to the feeling of life i get to

feel goo i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to say yes i get o celebate the party of life

i get to feel good and this feeling is always here
i love that i don’t have to care what happens that i can just keep saying yes
to the feeling that i get to feel the

i love that i get to feel good
get to feel the feeling of relief get to feel
the feeling of releif

get to feel the feeling of relief get to
feel the feeling of the relief i love that i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel it get to

say yes to it get to allow it to flow through me i

get to allow life to flow get to say yes to life
get to celebrate life get to celebrate life
get to feel the feeling of life get to feel the feeling

get to feel the feeling of life get to feel
the feeling the feeling of
life get to feel the feeling of life

get to feel the feeling of life get to feel the
feeling of life get to feel the feeling of liffe


get to say yes no matter what get to say yes to
say yes no matter what say yes no matter what
say yes ma

no matter what so say
say yes to the flow to the flow to the flow of well being
to the feeling of feeling good

to the feeling of feeling good to fe

the feeling of feeling good to the feeling of ge

feeling good ig et to say yes

i love that i get to feel it i love that

i’m here celebrating i’m here saying yes i’m here

saying yes to the flow to the flow
to the flow of to the flow of well being to the flow of well being
to the flow of

well being to the flow of well being to the
flow of well being to the flow of well being

i get to choose i get o choose love i get to cchoose
to choose to feel good to

i get to choose to feel good i get to choose to
feel good ig et to choose to feel good

i get to choose to feel good
to get to fe

choose to choose the feeling to get to
choose to say yes to the flow i get to choose to say yes to the flow
to the flow of life to the
to the flow of well being i get to choose it i get to shoo

i get to choose alignmet i get to choose yes i get to
choose celebration i get to choose celebrateion

celebration i get to choose celebration
get to choose celebration
i get to cchoose

choose cceleb

celebration celebration

i get to say yes because life is always going my way
i get to feel good ig et to feel love i get to say yes
i get to feel good

i get to feel good i get to feel good i
get to

feel good i get to feel good i get to feel good
i get to
feel the flow i get to feel the flow

i get to fee the

feel the flow i get to feel the fow i
the flow of well being the flow of well being

the flow of well being the flow of god
ig et to ccele

celebrate this day and jump right into it
i love that we keep making progress i love that
i know that its going to be so good!!

i lovee hat i just knowi i love that i get to say yes
i love that people are helping us
telling us what to do i love tha ti know
we can do it i lovve that
i know we can do it
and its easy i love that
we get to

i love that we get to feel good i lvoe that
we get to ccelebrate life!