i know i never have to think i never have to solve anything
just relax in the i am and know
i loee that i never hae to think tha i n
i know i nevver havvet o think i knwo i na
never have to think i love tha i get to just
enjoy the day
i lov that i get to just enjoy enjoy the day
the mental brilliance of the higher poweer
enjoy the mental brilliancce of
i never have tot hink ust enjoy the day
i never have to o
wonder never have tot hink nevver tha
have to wonder nee
never have to think never have to wonder
i just
get tjust enjoy life i get to nejoy the day
the moent all i can right
do right now is enjoy the moment
i loe tha i nkow life is unf
always unfolding perfectly i love t
aht im
alwys getting what i want i lovee that i get ti i
i love that i get ti i love that
i get to enjoy my life by f
just feeling goo just feelign gogo djust
feeling the feeling iwatn to feel i love
i nwo that i get to feel the feelign iw atn ti
i love doing this work i love nejoying th ea
the day i love that its a good day i love that
i get to feel god here and now i get ot
feel the god self her and now
and n
here and now
i get to feel the god self here and now
i get to feel the
god as the drug god as the sta
god as te letting go i get to feel
god as the letting go i get to
feel the feelig here and now
an how
now i get to feel the
feelign her eand onw that i nwat to feel i get to
i’m here because i nwo the truth i know how g
life works i love that i now how life works its
all how i see myself my life
i love that my
i love my time i love having lots of time i lovve having
endless time i love doing w
hatever i wante i loe that i iknow
i can rust myst
myself can trust the flow no matter what i nk
dont have tothink about what happens i
dont havet othink about m
wat happens
i get to
feel the feeling no i gt ti
relax into i am
releax into i am knwoing that i am
my only responsibliity is to be aware of this truth
the divine consciouesns
consciousness that iam
is forever expressign tis true nature of abundance
life is always expressing abundance life
is always expressig abundance and i know this
i get to fee it now i get to feel it now i
get to cchoose it now i get to create my life
i am alawys creaeteing my life
i am always creating my lfe i am always creating me y
my lif i am alays takien
taken care of the divine presence
i am toally confience
in letting go and letting god
the focus i am the focus on the mental brilliance
the focus on the cohice
the the focus on the choice the focos on m
the choice the focus on the cohice i love
that ican be
be cool wit everytion
i loe eing
being cool withi
everyone i lvoe that ig et to i love tha ti get ot
feel the powr of me i love that i nwo the
feelign of
pwoer of me i loe that i nwo the feeling opweor of me it
the feeling pweeor of em the feeling poweer of em
i love that i nkow the feeling pwoer of em
its always me creating it
its always me
its alawy
always me its alawys me iet
its nnever outside of me its never outside of me its thi
this feelign here and now
its what i believe about myself and my lfie
allowing life to flow through me
i love that i now life does everything perfeclty
i love that i now
that i dont have to ccar i love that
i dont have to care i love that i dont havet o ccare
i love that i dont have to care
i love
that i dont havet o care
i love that i
i love that i get to feel good today
that i get to feel good today
i love that i get to jtr
turst god
today that i get to say yfes today i love
taht i get to
yes today i love tha ti
get to feel god today and nt
nothing can stop me i love that i feel t
he feeling and nothing can stp me
stop me
i lvoe that i know that nothing can stop me
i love that i nkow that
nothing can sotp me tr
from trusting god from not careing
caring nothing can stop me
from noot caring
nothing can make me care
all i can do is trust the flow of life all
i can do is trust the flow of life
all i can do is trust the flow al i can do
is trust the flow trut the
flwo all ic an
do is feel the feleing of god
totally confidnet in god creating the
best possible outcome
i ilove ot caring i love
flowing with life i ove
feeling my heart sing i love
remembering knowing that its me itsmy
life o
i dont have to do anytihng ic an always
trut the flow
i can
always stand up to everything
with god on my side
i dont have to do an
a thing
i dom enad ai
am totallly confidnet in doing so
i feel
my life full and enriched and i knwo that
god always provides everything i need