i am perfect as i am

i love that i know i am
perfect as i am and my life
is perfect as it is
i love that i know i do not
have to change anything i love
that i know i am

and it is

already perfect as it is
i am perfect in this
right now and i know that
and it will never not

be this moment

and i am focused in this
here and now i am brave enough to
focus inthis

here and now i love that life is always
giving me what i want i love
that i know when i ask it is given and life
is meant to be fun

i love waking up feeling
grateful i love having
a good day i love that it always comes
i love that it always comes

i love that i get

it always comes

i love that i get to feel good now
i love that i know the secret to life

i now the

i know the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledget that
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

it comes to me life
comes to me and i am celebrating that knowledge
i know everythings in life

in life is lined up for
me i know this i know this for a fact

fora fact


that everything in life
is all

lined up for me

i know everything is a gift
i know that and i am allowing myself to
say yes to t

the gifts to feel good about life to know that life is

going my way to not have
any room for doubt to
have no room for doubt to know that life is
good to know that evey thing

every thing is a signal
to know that every single thought creates
it feels good to leanr
how to drive this doo hickey
to make the choic to

choice to enjoy life no matter what
to make the choice to throw myself into it it

it feels good to make the choice to

i feel good i’m not nervouse
i’m knowing

and i know every opportunity

every time somethi

i feel anxious
its and opportunity to transmut
to feel the feeling


of knowing and i know

that’s all i can do i know the
feeling of knowing

is mky supply

the feeling of knowing
is my currency

i know this i know the
feeling of knowing is my currency i now this
i know this i know this

i know

i am knowing

i know

i know i am made of love
and everything is made of love

i know that this life
is mant to

meant ot be

to be fun and bring forth
as much fun

as possible i know i don

don’t have to worry i dn’ thave
to hold my breath
and i am ready dto

to take the big leap and float

through life

i am tired of gasping

trying to suck life into me

i am ready to float
on top of the water and allow life
to flow through me to allow life

to breath me

i am allowing life to breath me
and that means getting out of the way
that means simply

getting out of the way
and allowing life to be how it s

is it means allowing life to be
waht it i

it is and i know the more i tune
my energy the beter i f

better i feel i know that this
is theo nly

the only work that matters
nad when


and wheni put
the effort in the spiritual work
the rest works itself out

the rest

is unbelievably

and i am nothing

i create
and then i allow and i know that
is how life wrk s

i can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally active in my life


i can never make it happen
i know it is simply and incitato

indicator and i am

ready to pay attention i know i know
all i can ever do is tune

my energy in this here and now i know
all i can ever

i know if i am
gasping for air that
it is an indicator
that i am

gasping for life

struggling to

to pull life to me with effort
but i know effort
doesn’t create

allowing creates i know the less
i try to pull air into e
better my breaths will be

when i allow life to breath me

life already is
the way i want it to be and i know there
is no such thing

as there is no such thing as lack

is no such thing as wondering
if life is going to work out for me

or if god loves me enough to
give me everything because i know without a doubt

this is true i know

its just a matter or training my
focus and i am tired of my current
focus on stress and worry
so i am letting it go

and i am leaning into the flow iknow
i know this wor

is all that matters
and i fi can

i can breath

that is all that matters
so i focus on gratitude
and allowing life to flow through
me and tursting
that it is

and not

to get things but
to feel better in this right now
to not feel like a i m

am constantly stuggling

struggling to live

to breath

i can let that go i know i can
turn my focus away form that

from that i know that
just like everything else it
is a thought pattern

a relfect

reflection and i am

ready and willing to let it go
i know it because

becomes less with less attention to it
and i can feel the vibration surrounding it

i can feel that my

mind myself

is afraid

to let go and let go do it

so today i intend to get out of the way