i am the source

and i get to choose how i feel about myself i knwo its on

its only ever a feeling i know its only ever a feeling
and i nkkow hat practice helps i know it only takes

three days of pra

actually practicing the feeling of doing the work
to feel great in my body to love my body to

feel confident in who iam and i love that i get ot i love that
i get to come here and pre

praccticce t i lovee that i get to come here and feel it
come here and n

know it today i will feel the feeling of believing in myself


thank you thank you thank you

i get to choose to feel good i get to choose the feeling

of loving myself
of believing in me

of bleieving in life

of loving myself of taking care of myself
of who ia m

of taking care of love i’m here tkaing
care of love and

and i love that ig et to that i can a

always come here i cn wa

always come here and find the feleint he

the feeling is always here the feeling is always here
the feeling is alawys here
i knwo ia m the feeling i knwo ia m the master of the feeling
and i k


i feel totally confident because i
get to choose how i want to feel i get to

choose to feel how i prefer

i love coing

coming here and doing this work
i love doing thiw so

this work and feeling good i love
that ig et to feel good i love that
i get to love i love that

i get to feel the foc

the feeling of the focus the feeling of fliss

the state of consciousness

where i am creating this
the state of consciouenss
where i am creating this

and i love that i get to choose
my state of consciousness

i get to choost eh state of my vibration i love that
i get to and all of life

comes to me i love that i get to i love htat
i get to and

and all of life
comes to me i love that i get to
and all of life comes to me

i know the art of letting life come to me
i know the fee

the flow i know the feleing of the flow
i know the feeling of the magick

i come here to feel the feeling and its so
easy to focus on the feeling to allow
the feeling to flow

to allow the flow to take the words
from my fingertips

i allow god to bring forth the
feeling i allow go d

to bring forth ethe
the words the
i allow sgo to bring foht

i allow the feeling of love to


to rise i i allow myself to feel the
feeling now i allow myself to feel the
feeling now and tha’s all that

there is i love tha ti get to choose it i love
that i get to choose i

it i loe that i knwo i already am it

i’m focused in the vote

vortex i’m focused in love i’m focusedd in loving myself
i’m focused

myself in what i now aht i know

in what i know i am

i am focused on the god self
i am the god self i feel the god self
i know the god self

i know the god self i know the god self
i love that i know the god self
taht i

get toee
to feel the god self that i get to be the
god a

self that i know its the
the feeling work all it is
is the feeling work if i a

ever feel bad about myself


do the feeling work it

its always

its alays the
feeling work is always the feeling its
always the feeling

its never anything te

else its always the feeling its always the feeling
i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to celebrate life i love that i

get to choose knowing

i get to choose cerrtainty
i get to

choose knowig i get to choose the source

so gratefl to make the time to

remember wh ia m to celebrate life
to celebae

love to celebrate who ia m
to celebrate who i amm

so grateful to come here and choose certainty

so gratful toc ome here and hcoose
certaitnty to choose teh feeling to make it
a point to feel the feleing to

choose certainty tot
know that is only ever how i feel

its only ever how i feel not hing else
and i love that i now that

and i come here to remem

i come hre to remember
that its me that i am

the maset


the master ia m the cma
master creator i am the master creator

i create the feeling and i create me
i am the creator of me
i choose to be the type
of person

i choose to be the type of person
that loves herfse

herself i take care how i think about myself
i knwo that iam gods magnificent child

i know that i am god that i am
perfect and god now matter
n omatter what

i am god i know that i know that the

the me inside never changes
i love that i know that none of it is me
i love that

i am centered in the truth
centered in awareness
and allow life life to unfodl i love that i get to allow life
to unfold

i choose knwoig i choose love

i choose total confidnet

in everything that is
today i choose total confidnet in

everything that is

choose total confidnet in love