and just allow life to flow through me
i don’t have to get involved i don’t have to follow
the thoughts i can always just
relax and allow today i relax and allow
today i enjoy the here and now
i enjoy the here and now
today i enjoy the here and now
the here and now
and just check out i can
always just check out i
i can always check in
check in to center check i to center
and just be i can always allow myself to just
be and actually today i get to celebrate!!!
celebrate good news!
celebrate that life is working out !!
so grateful for this day
so grateful for life so grateful for life
for life
so grateful that i love my life that love
my wife i
that i found someone that loves me so grateful
for my life for my life
that i love my life that i get to live!!
so grateful to get to live
so grateful to get to live!!!
i love that today we get to
celebrate get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life
get to celebrate life
i love that today
so grateful today is a good
day so grateful i get to live and enjoy life
i get to live i get to celebrate life
today i get to celebrate life
today i get to love i get to love my ife
life and feel gratitude for my life
for everything i have today i get to feel
grateful today ic an focus
on gratitude
i can always turn the boat and i can always
change how i feel change the version
the ve
to the version i prefer
i can always feel for it i can feel for it
i can feel the gratitude flowing through me
and it feels good
it feels good to choose
because i have so much
to be grateful for
it feels good to come here and remember
that i get to choose how i feel and
its not forced or spiritual
bypassing its just how you
choose to look at things
and today i have so much to be
grateful for because things are turning
around things are working out for the
for the best hing
things are working out for the
best things are working out and i
get to choose to focus on that knowledge
i get to choose
to focus on that knowledge i get to choose
i get to choose i get to be ware of the
version i create i get to be ware
so grateful to get to celebrate this day
so grateful he’s on the mend
so grateful sh’es
she’s on the mend
so grateful i can see positive
i can see the positive
i can see i can see things
clicking into place and i am
allowing them
i’m allowing myself to connect
with the infinite to know it’s
all only ever me and it’s all
up to me
i love that i know this i love
that i can always comes
here to do this work no matter
what i can always unwind at center
knowing that there
is always space
in the infinite
center of self
it feels good to celebrate to
remember to
accentuate the positive
it feels good to look for the
best to look for
to feel good to look for reasons
to feel good
to feel good
to feel good to feel good to
feel good to feel good
to feel good
to fcous
to focus at center
and choose
to feel good
i get to focus on the good feeling
place because they both exist
they both exist
the grateful place
the depressed place
are both real
they are both real
and where to focus is a choice
and i choose
to feel good to have a good
day to have a blessed day
to celebrate this day!!
i get this day!
i get to celebrate!!
i’m alive so i get to celebrate!
i get to celebrate being alive
getting it taken care of
trusting the unfolding of life
i trust the
i trust the unfolidng
unfolding i trust
the unfolding and today
i have reasons to celebrate!!
i have so many reasons to celebrate
so many reasons and
to feel good!!
i’m celebrating life
no matter what i get to celebrate
life no matter what i get to
feel good no
matter what
i get to feel good
no matter what