so grateful to remembe the feeling
to be drivven back to the
feeling to know tha the feeling
is always here for me
god is alawys here for me to love me
not m
no matter what and i dont need anything else
i can do whatever i want because
god will never stop loving me
i lovve that i now this i nkow th
that i nkow this i love that i now this
when i start to go that way
jut remember god
when i start to go wht
that way just remember god i remember that
ia m here now with god i am
god i am here now
with god i remember that i am here now
with god
the choice to not care
the poweer of not ccaring
the o
poweer of me the power of the magick
of tapping into the magc
magic an
and trusting the magick
the power of
not ccaring
and every time i release it
i reconnect with my true self
with my
powerful self with my
powerful self with my powwerful self
with my powerful self
i reconnect with my powerful self
the poer is i n the not caring
the power is
the not ccaring
i dont havve to ccare i dont have to care
that is my power and that is
the only work i dont have to care
i get to turst teh f
feeling here and now i get to tap into the feeling
here and now
release the ret
not waste
eergy i get to choose to feel good
i get
to choose to feel good
i get to tap into the magick
and i kno wn
no one else is my source of that
i love that i no that
i love that i nkow that i love
that i nkow that
i tune into the magick
i release the rest