i can choose the feeling fih
right now i can chooes
choose it right now i can choose the flow
right now i can say yes
right now i ma in the flow right now
i don’ htave to
justify the feeling just choose the other
side of the wave i love that it’s
it’s that
easy i love that it’s
easy to
choose to choose the flow to
choose alignment in this here and now
don’t have to worry about what happened before
or what didn’t happen
just choose alignment
right now
turn the boat i can
alwys turn
the boat right now choose it righ now
choose the requen
frequency right now turn toward it
righ n
now choose it right now choose it
right now choose to feel good right now
choose the feeling right now
choose the
focus right now
choose how it is right now
choose how it
is right now choose how it is
right now chose
choose it now no matter wha it
what it was i can choose what i want
it to be i can choose what i prefer i can always
choose what i prefer
i can always choose what i prefer
i can always let go
i can always overcome my negative thoughts
i can always
choose i can always choose i can
enjoy this here and now enjoy this perfect day
enjoy ht
this here and now
it’s easy to feel good now it’s easy to
feel good now to jump into the flow
to jump
intot he flow to say yes to the day
right nowi say
say eys to th
i say yes to the day right now
i say yes
to the day right now i
jup into ump
jump into the god energy say
yes thatnk
thank you for everything that is
for the enerrgy that
makes me ask for the
energy that reminds me
to just be grateful for every moment
that i have to not take things too
to always line up the
energy so grateful to be aware of the energy
so that the eneergy
may inform me
the energy informs me and helps
me learn helps me become of
the energy is god
showing me who i am and i say
thank you
the contrast helps me focus the contrast
causes me to ask what i want and then
i realize i already have it
i just have to focus on appreciating
knowing that i can overcome negative thoughts
by choice and by practice
and by logic as well
negative thoughts
it’s easy to jump into the god self to remember the
god self it’s eay to remember the god self
it’s easy to feel the god self to feel how
would feel its easy to feel how god would
feel to say tya
thank you its easy to say thank you
to know that ther’es always more than
enough to know that it’s only
ever me to know that it’s only ever me
and that the miracles are flowing
its easy t
o tap into the frequency its
easy its easy to
tap into the re
frequency its easy to focus
and not feeling like i’m moving through mud
the way to do that is focus
on one point and that pon
one point that single point of focus
is god focus everything on god
don’t think about the outsiide world
think about god
and god is oneness
god is love god is the present
don’t think about the outside world
only focus on the present moment the
so graetfu
grateful life is working out and
the energy always
shows me
always shows me what is within
and that i know that
lining up the energy matters
it makes a difference
it sets a tone for the day
it sets a tone for the enerrgy
and i take responsibility for how i feel
and know that
i had an out of the vortex moment
and i’m allowing that for myself
i’m not going to beat myself up i’m going to say
i love you i’m sorry please forgive me thank you
i can always choose the
energy i can always choose love
i can alwys choose
yes thank you i can always choose yes thank you
i can always choose the energy
right now i can
always choose the energy right now i can
always choose the
energy right now i can
always choose the energy right now
the god self i can always choose
the god self right now
i can always choose
the god self i can
i choose the god self in this
here and now
i choose i choose
i tho
i choose the god
i choose god i choose god
i choose to remember that i am god
i always come back here i
can always line up the energy i can
always line up the energy i can
always release the rest
i know who i am i know what i am i know that
reality is not real
only the watcher is real
only the wtacher is
i know i am god and just like
that i see it i look th
at life through god’s eyes
i’m looking at life through
god’s eyes
i’m releax
relaxed into the knowing of life
so grateful life already is
the way i want it to be to know that
i can feel the way god feels and i o
don’t have to hang on to
anything else and that is the root of it
it’s all or nothing
on or off
so choose on if that’s what you
want to see
choose on and look for on and everything
and i nkow it’s just a matter of practice
and i know
i know that this is my only work
connecting with god is my only work
i know that connecting with god is my only
work and that is the only thing i need to
think or owrry about ‘doing’