i can do it

i can do it i can

… ???

i can just be i can just accept everything that is
and asy than
say thank you knowing that i got what i wanted

so grateful for this day
for the chanc to
chance to rest ofr
for the chance to bask so grateful for the
time and space to enjoy life
so grateful to know the
creative juices flow when its time and i can
accept that
so gratefult o love myself and feel good about msyelf
so grateful

for the time sna pa
and space to rest
so grateful the restna
rent and bills are paid and we have extra!

so grateful there’s more than enough
so grateful we have plenty of food to eat
so grateful

so grateful so grateful for so mcht
mucht hat ithat

that is good in my life
so grateful for

all the good in my life so grateful

for the love in my life for the flow
flowing through my life
so grateful to say yes to the flow to say yes

to life so grateful to say
yes to life to say yes to everything tht is
to feel

grateful for everything that is

so grateful to do this work the attentoin
attention work the attention training
so grateful to train my attention
so grate

so grateful to train my attention so grateful to train my

attention so gratefu

to do this work to train my attention
to go to bed feeling good i can still go to bed feeling good and
start the day off right tomorrow
with high energy

so grateful the bills were less this month and they’re already paid!!

so grrateful everything is working outso
so grateful we can pay our own rent!!!
it’s amazing!!!
it’s so fucking cool!!!!

it’s so cool!!

so grateful to do it to allow it to allo th
allow the flow to life off of the ice cream money so
grateful to know to know the flow to feel the feeling to
feel the feeling
to feel the

feeling of the flow

so to do this work and remember who i am
to remember it’s easy to turn toward god

it’s a switch on the bus or off the bus
so graetful to know this remember this
to playce


my atteniton on this truth
and know this all i ever
need to know this is all i ever need to know

so grateful to know thi
to be on the bus to know i’m always on the bus
to feel good now to feel the power of the bus
to make
the choice t

to feel good

on the bus

it’s easy to turn the attention back where it
feels good and so grateful for the
so grateful for the time and space the time and space
to realize
so grateful for the contrast to realize

so grateful fort he c

the contrast the realize
so grateful

to remember that i’m on the bus and where it feels good
to palce
place my attention

so grateful for the time and space to take a lazy day
to make me want to be active again
so grateful to feel the flow the flow of

well being so grateful to feel the
flow of well being
to feel the flow

to turn my attention within
to remember i can do that i can be on the bus it’s that easy to be on the

so grateful to have the time and space

to be bored
so grateful to sit still
so grateful to bask in my life

in my family so grateful to back
bask so grateful to love and feel loved

so grateful to enjoy every oment
momoent of life knowing
how luck y i am

attention creates and with the attention
turned within it is really east to

easy to feel good
not even that its easy because
its just there

when i turn the attention within
when i turn towrd the

the god feeling when i turn toward the
god feeling when i turn toward the god feeling

i feel the god self and i feel good
i know ti feel the knowing the
knowledge i feel the knowledge
i feel the power of me th
the power of telling life how it is
that’s all it is i

that’s all it is i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love tht i know
that i know this i love that

i know this i love that i know this i love that
i know this i lo

on the bus

either on or off
it’s a switch and it’s all comes back to that
i love that i know this i love
that i know this i love that

i know this love that i know
it’s either on or off

so grateful i cam here to do this work to remember

i’m on the bus i’m fully ont he bus
on the bus and what athat measn

is fully accepting and celebrating everythign that is
and not resisting it i love this work and i know thait
this is the only work

this is the only truth in life this is it
and i know this for sure
so grateful to do this work and know this

so grateful to trin

train my attention
train my mindset to know that’s all it really is

train how i see myself

how i see myself