i allow the emotions to flow over me
to flow and through me i allow myself to just be
and don’t place any judgement
on the feelings just allow them to exist and i feel better when i do that
i feel goo when
good when i allow my emotions to flow through me
not trying to create any emotion just allowing it to flow
to and through me
i can do it i can do it
just contemplate
just relax just allow just be i can just be
i can be here now i am here now i am
i am this moment i am this moment and
i can relax and enjoy it i can
live life for me i can live life for me
it’s easy just sit here and write about it
its so fun and easy
i feel flah i feel blah i feel
annoyed i feel sick from cramps
i feel at esae i feel the ease and flow of life
i feel life i am life iam
life ia m allo of it i am all of it i am
all of it i am all of lfie
i am life ia m here and now and i don thave to
a thing i don’t havet o d
to do a thing
i release i allow i allow life
to flow through me i allow myself to
flow through me i allow me to flow through me
i am me and i am the flow and i allow it
and that’s all i can ever do i don thave to
strive i don thave to try to make a feeling
just be just be just sit with
it just allow everything to be and trust whateve comes i can always
trust whatever comes i can always
trust the flow the feeling of life i can always trust the feeling of life to
the flow of life the in and out of life the ina nd out of life
i acn
can always trust the breath that is life
that this life is another being’s
i’m here now and that’s all i am
i’m just breath going in and out and
riding on he wave
there’s nothing to do nothing to
create just ease and flow and appreciate life
there’s nothing to reistan
nothing to achieve no feeling
to embody to practice
just allow an appreciate jut get out
of the way just get out of the way
just enjoy just listen
all i cacn do it
all i can do is listen
i feel good i actually do feel good
i fee i
i eeel
feel it hanging out down there
under all the made up stuff
its just there chilling
not needing to be created
or milked or drawn forth or
tuned to its just there when i allow it
to be its just there when i allow myself to live fully
when i allow me
to be my whole self
i allow me
to be my whole self
it’s there and i feel it i feel
center of life i feel the
center of life and i feel that ia m it
i feel that i am it and i feel that
i can release the rest i feel that i can
release the rest
i’m here and i don thave to struggle
just accept just say yes today i’m
saying yes today i’m
saying yes to me to life to everything that is
to choices to feeling good to feeling myself
to loving myself to doiing the work to feel good
to doing the work to feel good
but its not work it just is
just be just be and then it is i know that this
is true an di love the feeling of being inspire to d
to do the work
so grateful
for a questions!!
and i know i wanted that so graetful for
the quesiton and i know i wnat ed this
i feel good i feel good i feel good i do
feel good i feel good right now i feel good
right now i
feel good right now i feel grateful right now
for the life i have
so grateful for my house
and my cool neighbors
and my family
and my yog
and my grocery delivery!!
so grateful we can afford grocery delivery!!
and that we live somewhere with a wholefoods!!
it all always comes to us
so grateful for questions
so grateful people want to ask
grateful for my home and my warm blankets
and my wife and my kitties
so grateful
for mail piickup
and delieveris
so grateful to get to give
i’m here now i’m here now i’m here now
i’m here now i am
i am the here and now
i love that i know this that i am
all of it
that i expand to fill the space of
infinity because that is me
i love that i know it i lov etha ti know
i am no my body i love
knowing the magick of life
and knowing i don thave to try or make anything
happen that its always
happening its always just happening that alll of life
is the infinite happening and i don thave to
make any of it
it just happens
i did it and that’s what matters
and i dont have to care
or get involved i can just live
my full
embodied life right now i get to
expand to fill the infinite now an djust
listen to life
to what life is telling me
i now the magick of life
and i tune into it
i am it i am
it i am it i am it
i am the infinite now i am the infinite now
and it feels good to just be
not carte about anty
anything not place a value judgement on
anything just observe and move on
so gratefuli get to love i g
i get to i get to i get to just be and relax in the knowing that
that’s all there is
i am
and that’s all nothing else matters