i can do it

i can releae everything i can come back to teh
the true ccenter the bliss for no reason i can
always find

devotion i can always release the rest i can always find
the bliss for no reason is always right here with me ic an

do it i can hae
have go
a boo
good day i cn i can i have
i can hae a

i know the real me i nwo the true
me i now the true me i nkow

i know the real me i nkow the real me
i now the real me

i knwo i can

i know im the driver i knwo its me
i nkow tits how i feel i gett o
to choose i knwo i am

i know i knwo the devotion to self to the
to god i know the god i know the god self
i knwo the
god ffe

feeling i know th i know i know th
the god feeling i kno

ic an let everything go i can

everything go i can let realdse
release release

release release i can release it i can
let it go i can

i can deeply caa

i know its al lme
allm e i know i now it all me
and nthing is me

i know the truth the one and only truth
i know the one and ony truth
and that

its tha iam the touce
the source ia t he
i m the source of all life expereince
i can

i trsut what
is i eeply deeply accept what is i k
deeply accept what is i

deeply accept what is i deeply

accept whawt is i eep
deeply ace

i put distancce between
me and the things i know

i know the truth i knwo the
one and only truth
i now

i know the one and only truth
i know the ifinite now

i know and trust the infintie onw
i now i

i know tis me i knwo tis me

i trsut the in and out
of life i trust the

i trust life i trut life i t

trust the unfolding of li
life i trust teh f
unfolding of life i

i release everything else i know aht
that isn’t my source
i kno t

i know that is n’t m soruce

i know

my awareness
understanding and

my consdiousnes

of the presece of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness
of the presence of god withi me
is my supply

i know the one and onl truth
i know tis only god

its me and god
i know me i know me i now me i now

tis the fe

the feeling me i know tis me i now
i know
i now my one ando nly source i know my

my one and only source
my cons

i now the power of me i believe in the pwoer of me
i knwo i can have a good day i know i can

feel good its eay to feel good
just trut go

its j
easy to feel good just trsut god its eay
to tun its yeas

easy to feel beter to remember the one an don
and only

truth its easy to rememe the one and only
truth its

easy t
to remember the one and only truthe
its eays
to feel good re
to remember my source

my consciousness of the presene of god with ne
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god within me is my supply