i have to i have to i have to make teh choice to feel how iw ant t
o feel i have to make the choice to live thel ife iwant to lif
live and no one else can make the that choice for me i love that
i get to that i am aware of how i feeland thas’ a
all i ever need i love that i am awre of how i feel and
thats’ sll i envver
ever need i love that thi
that makes me focosu i love thatlife makes me focus i love
that imalready successful
i now that life cuases me to ask i know that i can allow
alignwith the anser
the answer the one aodn only truth and i get to fele it
i get to feel how god feels i get to feel how i geto
god feels ig et to allow how i want to feel i get to allow
magick of life i get to allow the magic of life
to flow throgh me
feeling of god i get
to chooset he focus the focus on th god self
and know thats all there is
i get to acct
accept everything there is and i kno that its
its to tune myself to the feeling of god i knwo that tis eays
to focus on the feeling of god to trust the feeling of god
when i know this is all ther is i know that life
is good i know that life is
god lovvees me i know i know that life is always on myseif i know
i love that i get to feel creative i love
that i get to do what i want i love htat
i get to
i love that i have the perfect marraige i love that my life
is so abundanct i love that
i prefer to feel gods version i feel how
god feels i feel my proximity to god and know that
is my source and mysupply
i love that i nwo my source
and my supply
hat i an always do this work to get tif
lfowing i knwo that i can do it i know that i can
feel for god and god is alawys there i knkow i can alwyas feel the
feel the feeling of god i know that
when i think of it it comes
i know this for a fact i kno w this for a fact and today
i feel for what i prefer and its ther e
i feel for what i prefer and tis there
i get to feel i get to ask how would i feel if i
it already was the way i wanted it to be i love that i now its me
its only
i know its only ever me and im so grateful i
get to be aware of the world i create in every oment
i love that i get ot create it i love that i now
i know that with practice it so
comes natrually and its just a practice
when i feel the feeling of lack i can trun it around
i can ask whats true i can ask god what is the truth
and god always lets me know lets the
the feeling of the truth fil my body
i never have to feel bad i can always feel the truth i can
alwys feel the truth of gods love
and i know that tht ruth the truth is alwys
right here i know that its here what i seek is right her
i knwo i alwys r
already have it i know that is padi i know that
everything is already paid fro i know that god is lavish unfailing abundance
i know what i believe i see and im sor graef i
get ot live life this way being awr i
of the version i create i get to be aware of the version i create
i kow the feeilng i know the feeilng of god
and i know thats’a ll there is i know the feeling
i know the feeling and as long as i keep asking
what do i prefer ill happen on something im
able to believe in
i knwo i can do i know i can live hapy
i know i
can live at ease i know that i can
refuse to suffer i nkow that i can choose to feel good
now i know that i can
choose to feel good now
to choose to feel good now to enjoy the day to
enjoy the day here and now
and that’s all i can
do is expand to fill this moemtn to know that ther
this moment is all ther is that theres no tu
future or past
that it is compltee me and an
and how i see myself its me and how i see myself
and i know that is
i know i can do i i nko w
i nkow this is the only work th
the focus is the only work
i dont have to care i can’t care
i cant care
i know that i cant care i know that it doesnt matter
i nkow that it just doesn’t matter i know that
it just doens’t matter i nkow that i cant
i get to choose i get to choose i
get to
i get to choose how god feels like
i know that life shows me how god feels i knwo that
i can ignore everyone and choose how god feels
nd that is my power i love that life hleps me i love that life
helps me i love that i have to do it
i love th
i get to choose
i love that i dont have to care i love that
i dont have to care that i cant care
that i cant care that otday i get ot
to choose my poer to
to dunk on my haters