i can do it

i can allow myself to feel good i can allow myself
to feel good ic an allow msyelf ot have
a good day i

i can feel good i can feel good i can
get tout of the way and allow life
to live me all i ca

all i can do is get out of the way a
nd ana d

allow life to lif
live me all ic an do is
alow life to live me all i can do

is alow life to feel me

i can follow it ican do it
i can follow it
to the sourcce i can

follow the trail of any
emotion to the sourcce i can follow

the trail of any emotio
to the sourc ei now i can make
the choice i now the eergy of me i now tis me
i nkow that i

every thought i know that i can llow life
to live ma
all i can do is go diwth the flow

i an believe in myself ic an believe
other people

when they tell me they love me

i can f
trace it to its sourcce i can trace it to its source

i can trace it to its source
i can tat

tract it to the soruce i can trast
tracce it to the sourc


can leave completely


don’t have to e
to be here form

for me

to be here

i can

can leavve the separate self isn’t needed
nono eof that is needed noo
none of it is real
none of it is
real none

of it is real none

i can relase the rest