i can do it

i can celebrate this day i can lean into this
day i can lean into this day i can allow this day to

be celebrated i can allow this day to be good i can
celebrate myself i can celebrate this day

i can celebrate!!

i am celebrating this day i love that it’s
a good day i love that it’s a good day i love

i love this day i love this day

i know that life is flowing through me i know that i can
connect with life i

never have to wonder and i just get to celebrate

it feels good

to feel good i know one day i will get there again
i will be able to jump out of bed

with positive expectation
lean into the day have the day lean into to me

today i am celebrating the day today i feel great!!

today i feel great!!

today i get to feel good today is the be

today i jump into the day
i can do i blieve
believe inthe day

i believe in the dayi

believe in myself i believe in the day

i believe in me i celebrate this day

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god and i know one day i will
get there again
i will jump out of bed and

celebrate the day because that is
all i can and this is the work that
helps me get ther ethe m

the more i focus on the fitness of the
mind the better i feel the more i undertand

understand the closer i feel to god
and i know that i can let go and let go
do it all

thank you for this day!!

i know this is the best day!!

i am celebrating this day!!

i amke

make the choice to feel good today!
to feel great!!

to feel waves of relief
knowing i never have to worry
to wonder

i feel waves of relief knowing
that lie just

just reflects how i feel about it
