i can feel clean i cn feel
clean i cn
realease the rest and then its gone its eay to
release the rest its esay to relesa
release the rest and then its clean
then its clean and then its clean and then
its clean i ha
i know i havve to dceid
no to care i kno ti s eayt o
loving kindness is all there is is
all there is all the rest is fake
all the rest is fake i know this i know life
life is but a dream i know that life
hast o
has to reflect the feeling
life has to reflect the feeling i know this i know
this i know this
i know this
i know this life show
has to show me what iam
and its eay to flip the switch
i dont need evidence
i just cchoose
i just choose id ont need evidence
i just choose
my conscioiusness of the prsence of god within me is my supply