i can have a great day and today
i am tuned to the center of self and the love of self
today i choose to love myself
no matter what today i intend to think loving thoughts about myself
today i intend to enjoy
today i intend to have a good attitdue
today i intend to love every minute
today i intend to feel good and enjoy life
enjoy the flow flowing through me the flow flowing through me
the flow
flowing through me the focus
it feels good to be aware
of how i feel it feels good to be aware of how i feel
and know that the contrast helps me focus
it feels good to focus it feels good to feel good
to love me to love this here and now it feels good to
love this here and now to
allow everything that is to be grateful for everything that is
take a seat deep down
in the center of the soul
it feels good to take a seat deep down in the
i feel good i feel good i feel good i’m celebrating life
today i’m celebrating life
and energy flowing through me
i’m taking advantage!!!
i deserve it!!
i ALLOW it!!
i allow everything that is
i allow good to come into my life i allow it
i allow it i allow it
i allow it and i say thank you thank you for this here and now
thank you for this life i say thank you
i say thank you
i say thank you for this
here and now i say thank you i say thank you
i feel good about mmyself
i love myself i love myself i love myself
i love myself i love
myself i choose to love myself
i choose to have a good day i choose to feel good about
i choose to feel good about myself
i choose to feel good
i choose to feel good about myself i choose
i can do it i can choose to feel good
and say thank you i get to choose to feel good and say thank you
to jump fully into the day i get to
jump fully into the day and say thank you
i get to say thank you to this
day i get to enjoy the moment i get to enjoy
the here and now i
get to love myself i get to love myself
and no one can stop me i get to feel good about myself
i love myself i love myself i love myself
its all me its all me its all me and i get to decide
i get to decide how i feel about myself how i feel about my life i g
et to
get to decide to celebrate life
through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my conscousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply
through my consciousness of my god self
the christ within as my supply
i draw into my m ind
feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
i can feel i can feel i can feel the real me the
ture self
true self in there i can feel it i can feel the magick of life
and i can feel that i pushed it down
bc i feel
but i know i’m not those things
and i dont have to think that about myse
fi get to choose how i think
about myself and my lif e
i get to relax and enjoy right now i get
to relax and enjoy right now
and hav e am
magickal day
i get to have a magickal day
and i get to do it for me
i can transmute i can transmute
and i don’t have to feel bad
for feeling bad that just makes it worse
but i can always turn it around
i draw into my mind and feeling nature
the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of
god within me is my supply
my consciousness of the
presence of god wihtin me
within me is my supply
i get to choose how i feel right now
and that’s me
i can just count and relax and allowl ife
to live me i can allow life to live me
i can just count in not
think about anything and life
will fix itself
i love that life always fixes itself i loveht
that i dont’ ever have to care
about anything outside tieh now
i’m focused
i’m secure
i’m aware
and i’m zoomed out on life
i’m zoomed out on my life
and i feel good
i feel secure i feel grounded
i feel centereed i feel secure in my self
and my life i love myself i love
myself i feel good about my self and my life
i feel good about my self and my life
i feel the feeling i feel the feeling of the
focus and leaving everything else
behine i feel
i feel the feeling of creativing
with purpose
and focus i feel the feeling
of creating with positive expectation
and accepting everything that comes
i feel the feeling of connection
of letting the past and future go and just loving this moment
it feels good to come back to center
to come back to center it
feels good to come back to ceenter
to center
i feel the feeling now i feel the feeling no w
i feel the feeling of
getting out of the way and allowing life
to heal me allowing life to love me
allowing life to heal me with
its infinite love
and as long as i am out of the way of it
i can always choose to feel its warm
embrace i can always choose to feel its warm
its warm embrace
i feel life flowing through me i feel
the infinite love flowing through me
i feel
infinite love i feel
the infinite love i feel the infinite love
of god flowing through me i feel the
infintie love
of god flowing through me
i feel good i feel good i feel the flow
i feel
the flow i feel the flow
i feel the flow
i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel the love of god
i feel the love of this moment
and i love that
i get to choose to feel
love i love that i can
just stop
just stop thinking about anything
and just exist right here
right now
and when i do that
nothing else exists
and i don thave to worry about
how i acted
or how i will act
i can just embrace this
right now
and it can embrace me