i can still have a good day

i dont have to let anyone else drag me down

i was having a good day and then you wanted to start a fight with me becuase youre emotionally unstable

and i’m not going to let anyone drag me

i’m not going to let anyone make me feel bad i’m not going to allow anyone to make me feel g

bad i know that i know that i know i know that i get to cho make the m
the choice to feel good i know that i get to make the cchoice how i feel i know that
i am in charge
of how i feel

i can always do the work for me i can

do the work for me i d

can lays do always do the work for me i can
always do the owrk for me

i was having a good day and i get to ccontinue to have a good

today i will have a good day today i s agood aday


today i get to enjoy life and feel good
today i get to enjoy life

and feel good today i get to enjoy life and feel good

i can always do this work and ignore the rest

i can always do this work and ignore the rest
i can

alawys do this work and ignore the rest

i always have this work i alawys

have to god self and i can always choose teh god self
its not my porblme
if others cant choose their god self

i love that i don’t have to care i love that
i get to choose to feel good today to have a good day today i love
that i get to choose to feel good i love that

i get to choose to ffeel good now
i love that
i get to choose

to feel the flow now i get to
choose the flow now i

i want to

i get to choose the flow now hcoose
the feelign now choose the feelig n

feeling now choose the

i alwys have this work and this wrk

work is the only work i alawys have this
work and this
work is the only work this

i alawys have this work and this
work is the only work

it’s me it’s only ever me

i love that i know the power of me i ilove that i now i am
the bos i love that
i knwo i’m

always getting everything iw ant i’m always getting everyting

everything i want i’m always getting
everything i ant
i watn i wnat to i want i’m always getting everthing i want

its me it’s the
feeling of me it sonly ever the feeling of me

it’s only ever the feeling of me

the work thi is the owrk this

ths is the work
i renoucney

renounce my humanhood

i renouncce my humanhood

i get to i get to i get to

renounce my humanhood i get to renounce my humanhood
i know the feelig of bliss i know the
feelig of mei know the feeling of

of complete i am complet i am complete i am

i get to decide to be the god self i am
the god self i get to decide to

embody the bod self i the god self i know that
ti know the course

i love the i know teh power of me i love
that its so easy to let go and not cre i love

that ire ally

i truly don’t care i love that i truly
don’t care i love that
i know that

i love that i knw that it’s in the flow

everything is magick and in the flow

it’s me it’s me it’s me it’s me

it’s only ever me it’s only ever me it’s only
ever me and i know all i can do is trust the flow

just let it go
is alll i can do