i create teh happenings

thats all there is that’s all there is

creating that
im choosing that that

that’s the eer
version im choosing that
s the vversion i m

refuse lack
refuse seeking

what am i seeking?

i make the happenings
i look for what i want to see

i love what is i deeply
accept what is i say thank you
i say es th

yes thank you i say yese thank you

i choose the happeningsi
i ch

i choose the happeninngsi
i choose

i choose

refuse a lack mindset
refuse a lack mindset

choose what wyou wnat thank

choose what you want then

i cret
i create the happeniings nd it works every tiem
so g

so graefulf or the contrast that creates that
gets me back on track

i create the ah

happenings and i love that its that
easy to recognize the lack mindset

to recognize the lack mindset

its me its the feeling ofme i nkow its teh
the feeling ofm e

i create the happeningsin

i choose what i kloo
what i look for i choose what i look for i choose what
i believe i choose the

events of my life i choose the events of my life
i choos the feeling of my life
and i get to choose it now

i get to choose it now