i do not have to care

i know i know that i do not have to care i

i know it
s only ever me i love that i know and
thatn i know i know the

is in the here and now i love
that i get to remember that it
feels so much better to love that

it’s so much easier to lvoe i love
that i love that i can let ig a
ll go and let the flow do the work

i love that i get to feel good right now
i love that i get to feel good right now i love

that i get to feel good right now i love

i am conscious
of the innter

presence as my lavish abundance
i am concious of the

i am conscious of the constant activity of
this mind if infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth i love that
i can let it go i love that i get to maek teh
the choice to love
for me
i gt to make to make the hcoice
the choice to love in

this here and now i get to do it for me i love
that i get to feel good i love that i
get to lo

love i love that i ag
et to make the choice

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance i am conscious of the
constant activity of this m ind

of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth

i love that i can let it gal
all god ilove
i love that i get to let it all go i love
i lovet he power the power of

me i love the power of me i love
the power of me i ove
the power of the vortex i love that
i get to choose i am


to let it go i am ehre

here doing this work to
because aware

of the vibrations

and let it go i love that i get to make the choie
the choice to love i love that i
get to make the choice to love to love to

let it go i love that i dont
don’t have to care and i now that
first i become it the i see it

i love that i don’t havet o care the
that i ge tto have fun now

for me i can allow it
i allow
mkyself to

to have fun i love

i allow myself to have fun to feel the
feeling i allow myself to
feelthe feeli

to feel the
feeling in t
the feeling in this this
here and now

feel the feeling in th

it’s only me it’s only
me it’s only me i

i am conscious of the
inner presence as my lavish

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this i don

don’t have to care and that’s what
this work helps me do
i don’t have to care and that’s

what this work helps me do
i get to feel good and be

yay i’m feeling better

i know that everything is made up
and i get to make up my

own versoin i get


it in the air i love that inowevery
everything is in the air

i am conscious

conscious of the inner presence
as the answer to everything

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this imin
mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is
filled with the light of truth
and inow

i know that i can always turn
i can alwys t

transmute the energy and

turn it toward what i want
it’s only me it’s only me

it’s only me

i am conscious of the inner presence
as everything i am conscious
fo the

of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

i am aware of
i am conscious of the energy
i am conscious of the energy
and i now i know the
energy is everything
i am

conscious of the
the inner presence as
my every solution
i am

conscious of the constant
activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

therefore i am

my consciousness
is filled witht he light the light of truth
i love that i get to

to feel good iw ant

what i want

is to have fun
and for everyone to
get along


i loe that inow i know thi
i knwo the constant
activity of thsi
this mind of infinite prosperity

i love that i get to feel good i love that
this work always works
this work

always works this
wrok a

always works i love that iknow that
the energy takes care of everythig

i love that

i transmuted the energy and
turned it within and

i ‘m so
proud of myself for doing that
for being aware

enough to do it
and celebrate the inner prsen

in this here and now
i love thatl ife
is good i love thatl ife loves me

just like that i feel better
i love doing the work i love celebrating
life i love that life is

good i love that it’s

it’s our day i love that
i do

i love that i get to stay in the flow
just keep trusting

the flow i know the
feeling os

trusting the

inner presence

my consciousness is
filled witht he light
of truth

my consciou

thank you thank you thank

i am conscious of the
inner presence and it’s
constant activity taking
care of everything in my life

i am conscious of the
power of the inner presence
therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

and i get to make the cohice to
have fun and nejoy life i

i get to make the choie to
tune my vibration to the the one of me
i get to change my thougths and
my life and i’m so relieved to be doing the work

i love that i can do it
i love making thec hoice
the choice to how i feel i love
that i can feel the energy of life flowing
through me i love that i
get to feel energized i love
that i

get to have fun i love that
i deserve

all i want is to have to
have fun and i get to choose that right now
i love that the

contast helps

me focus i love that
i get to love i love that i love
that i getot

to love i love i love that
i love that i geto love i love th