i dont have any problems

all i have is solutions all i have is solutions all i have its

i know the power of god
i know

the feeling of god i knwo the feeling
of god i know i

i know the feeling of god i know the
feeling of
of god i know the feeling

of god i know

i know the focus i know the focus

i know the power of god i nokw the
feeling of god i knwo me i know the
i now me i nkow me i know me

i know me i know me i knwo me
i know me
i nkow

i know me
i know

i know the pwer of me
i know the power
of me i know the
power of me
i know

the poewr of me i know the power of me
i nkow

the power ofme i know
the power of me
i know the

that i dont have to care i do

know that i dont
have to care i dont have to care id ont have to
i dont have to care

i dont have to care i dont have to care id ont
have to care i dont

have to care

i dont have to care i love that i get to do me
finally get to do me thank you god i finally get to d

to do me i get to do me i get to live my life
thank god i finll

ally get to

i dont need anyone or anything
i dont need anyone of anything
just god

the only thing i ever need is god
the only thing

i never
ever need is god the only thing
i ever need is god

how would god feel how owuld god feel
how would god
feel how would god feel

i know how god would feel just choose the feeling
of god and forget the rest
that’s ll i can do is

feel the feeling of god and forget the rest
that’s all i can do
all ican

can do is feel good

feel god

all i can do is feel god

i dot ahve
dong have to care i can celebrate i can
celebrate moving on

i can celebrate enjoying my life
i can celebrate enjoying my

i know there’s no necessary prolems
i know its me i know its me i know its me
i know i know its m e

i know its me
i know its me

i know

i dont have to care

i can win i can win in live i dont need anyone

all i need is god all i need is god all
i need i
god i
all i need is god all i
all i need is god all

all i need is god i
all i need is
god all i need is god all i need is
god all i

all i need is god all i
i need is god all

i’m completely unhappy
im totally unhappy

i’m completly misderable