about others behavior all that
matters is i focus on myself and how
i feel how i feel is all that matters
and its my choice to feel how i want to feel
i know its easy
to let things go to not care to and go
about my life feeling good its easy to let go and not care its
easy to let go its easy to let it go its easy to let it go
its easy to feel the feeling for me its easy to do the work
for me its esay to easy to do the only work that matters its easy
to do the only work that matters its easy to feel good int his
here and now and i don’ thave
to care about other people’s behavior
inconsiderate behavior
i can just let it go and make the choice
to enjoy the day i don’t have to care i don’t have to hold
on to it and i get to make the choice to feel good now
i don’t have to care that
people don’t want to step up and take care of
me the way i take care of them
that people are oblivious to my needs
to my wants to
helping me with one simple thing
that i’ve helped you with 1000 times yet you are
so clueless that you can’t even help me with one
simple thing
and it
its just one tiny thing and i can allow
myself to move on
just let it go and make the choice
right now to enjoy the day
that’s all i can ever do it
is take care of myself and how i feel
i can’t look to someone else to care
about how i feel to want to take care of me and care
about my feelings instead of
being in such a hurry
to do something else
i can let it go and make the choice
to seize the day
for me that’s all i can ever do is
feel good for me make the choice to enjoy this dayt
for me
i can always do the work and feel good now
and i know that life only reflects how i feel i know t
hat life
life is a feeling and nothing is worht
feeling bad so i can just let it go
and make the choicet o eno
enjoy the day
it easy
to let go and allow life to flow through me its easy t
o flo
to float downstream
and let it go its easyt o flow
float downstream and know that its all me it
its easy to be selfish myself
to take care of me to take care of number one and
no one else to selfishly focus on how i feel
and looking for my own feeling good
with total disregard for anyone esle
to just take care of me to take care of me and
how i feel and that’s all that matters
i can let it go i can let it go
because nothing matters as much as my vortex so i can make the choice to feel good now and let it go i can make the choicet o enjoy
enjoy my day
enjoy my life i get to make the choice
to feel good now i get to make the choice
to feel good now i get to make the choice
to allow god to flow through me i get to make the choicet
o do the
to do the work and feel better i get ot make the choice
to sned th
send the signal of life
of love
i get to make th choice to love only
i get to make the choice to feel good now only i get to make the choice
to love to send the siganl of love
and allow life to love me
only i get to make the choicet o feel good
and allow life to flow through me only
i get to make the choice to feel good
i get to make the choicet o feel good now to let it
go and allow this day to be good i get to make the choice
to be selfish about my vortex i get to make the choice
to feel taken care of by life to feel
cared for by life
its my choice to allow life to take care of me
its my choice to allow life
to feel good its my choice to clee
celebrat elife in this
hre an
here and now its my choice to enjoy this day
to say thank you for this dasy its
its my choicet o feel good int his day
to take care of me since i am the only one who will
who cares about me and how i feel
its my choice and
its my choice how i feel tis my choice
how i view life the lens i look thorugh
is my choice
its my choice how i feel in this
here and now and i get to make the choice to feel good i g
get to make the choicd to feel to feel good in this
here and now i get to make the choice to feel
good in this here and now
i get to make the choice to feel good and that
feels good so grateful its mychoice
to feel good and i don’t havet o
base that choice ont he
behavior of others
its my choice to lean into the flow
its my choice to do the work and its my choice
how i feel about my life ist my
its my choice how i feel about my lif
its my choice to let go and its my choice
to feel good
thanks god for flowing through me
and allowing me
to feel too
thanks god for taking care of
me for loving me and always being there for me
thanks god for
caring about me