i dont have to go there id ont
i dont have to pp
pick it up i can continue not looking tat
at it o
i dont have to look for something
to pick on
i do
i dont havet o look for sothing to go wront
i go
i dont have to care i never have to care
becaseet nt
that’s ot the sourcce that’s
that’s not the source that’s not the source
not the sourc ei knwo that i nwo that the
source of the the
the feleing i seek is right here
is here and now and it wulld
would never come
come from ousti
outside of me and it if
if it did it wuld nee
never be enoug i love that i dont need anything
i love that i am awrae i ma
that li am
i am aware of the lack of lack
i love that i nkwo nothing is mei
missing i know its up to me how
i feel
and tha’ts why ic am here to turn around how i feel to celebrate teh
the day the moemtn
to cele
celebate what i have to
celebrate what i have so
grateful to celebrate what i have to celebrate
what i have to
celebrate what i have to
feel good not o
not let it get to me to not ccare it
feels good
better to not ccare to not make lack
it feels good to focus to focus
on me to focu
on me
it feels good to feel the feeling off me to feel the
feeling f me
of me to not even tol ook
look at that go
it feels good tor emember to let that go ro
forever and choose hwo i an
i want to feel right now to choose how i want to feel
right now
to choose how i fe
want to feel right nowt o choose how i want ot feel right now
to choose how i wnat to feel right now to choos hwo i
want to feel right nnow
now to choose howw iw ant to feel right now
i love that i dont have to look att hta
this work helps me do it i love that i really dont cae
and this work eh
helps me remeber that i love that i can let
it go
i love that i can always turn it warou
around ic an always turn
my mood i can always
i can always choose my mood
choose to wake up feelingg ood to
choose to wake up enjoying life
to be
fcous on what i have
what i have to be grateful for
to focus on all the love and care i do have in my life
graetful i gt to focus
on get to feel it that
i can
refuse to
suffer that i can fru
refuse to feel alck
i can m
be gratefl to not be sucked in
to feel free i
i’m grateful she make sit easy
easy to focus on m e to not get sucked in again
to remember the feeling ofme
to let i go
to not care to totally not care
to not pick it up it feel soo
feels good to keep my poweer
to keep my power
to refuse to feel lack to refuse to feel lack
to not need antyhing to happne
to be ok woth whatever happens
to be ok eiwth
with whatever happne sit ob e
to be om with whatever happens
i dont have to care i dont have to da
to ccare beucae im hurt im disappointed again
expecting bs
someone to be some
something they re not but an
but thats on me that’s on me
i know that’s on m em
i know that’s on me i know that’s
on me
but that’s ok becua
it makes it easier to continue
to release it
i love that i gget to relese
releae it i love that i trust the flow of life
i get to trust the flow oflife
i get to trust thef low of life
i love not needing anything form ayting
anyone i love that i lovee that
i love that
i love that i o
i love that i get to choose how i feel
i love
that i get to refuse to suuffer
and that i dont have to
feel like i own an
anyone anything i love being awya
aware i love that id ont havet o c
are i love that
that i get to let it go forever i love that i get to choose
my life
my new year my new self the new me
the new self and its not
looking to anyone its not
wonderig its not wondering it just choosing
i can come here and choose i can
come hre andnowh
and choose to release it to not care i get to choose
to not care i get to choose to do me i get to
wake up feeling good for me i get to
wake up feel ing
feeling good for me i get to have ag ood day for
for me
feeling energized by life
refusing to suffer i
get to refuse to suffer
i get to let it go forever
so grateful to let it go forever
so grateflt o not care
to let it
it go forever
to turst the unfolding of life and move on
to the next
i get to tust life
i get to tu
trust life
this is the work this is the only work
keeping the feeling findin g
findindg a way
a way to feel good im celebrating
being free
im celebrating being free
i get to celebrate the feeling of trusting life
and trusting god and not needing anything
from anyone i releae i rela
i release attachment and life makes it easy
i appreciate life for showing me the truth and
allowing me to let go